- The young boy was apologetic. 那个年轻的男孩很抱歉。
- The young boy was not wearing a safety helmet. 那个年轻的男孩没有戴安全帽。
- The young boy was eyeing a toy in the window. 那少年盯着橱窗内的玩具妈妈很担心你的安全。
- The young boy was eager to make the woman less unhappy, but he did not know what to do. 小男孩急于想减轻那位妇人的痛苦,但不知道该怎么办。
- The youngest boy was laughed at for his naive remarks. 那个最小的孩子说了些年幼无知的话,引起人家哈哈大笑。
- The first down was beginning to appear on the young boy's face. 那小男孩的脸上渐渐长出了汗毛。
- The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. 日子一天天过去了,终于又有一天小男孩告诉父亲钉子全拔出来了。
- The young boy dug a hole to make a pool. 小男孩挖了个洞做水池。
- I saw a young boy and a young girl. The boy was bullying the girl. 我看见一个少男和一个少女。那个少男在欺负那个少女。
- A young boy was arrested by the police for robbing passengers. 一名少年因截劫路人被警方拘留。
- The elder twin had inherited his father's business,the younger was to receive all the money that was not invested in the business,while the youngest boy was left his father's house and estate as his share of the property. 双胞胎中的老大继承了父亲的公司,老二则得到尚未投资到公司中去的全部现款,而父亲的房屋和地产就算是留给小儿子的那一份。
- The young boy learns their rules. 年轻的男孩学会了他们的处世规则。
- The young boy had no experience beyond school training. 除了受学校的培训外,这年轻男孩毫无经验。
- The boy was enticed into playing truant. 这个男孩被引诱逃学。
- The boy was enfeebled by the cold. 那个男孩因感冒而虚弱无力。
- She was apologetic for not keeping her promise. 她对自己未能遵守诺言表示歉意。
- The young boy blew his teachers away with his intelligence. 这个少年太聪明了,令老师们很震惊。
- The boy was screaming with pain. 这男孩痛得尖叫起来。
- The young boy has aspirations to become a famous surgeon. "这男孩很有抱负,要当一名著名的外科医生。"
- The poor boy was led off his house by a beggar. 那可怜的男孩被一个乞丐从他家领走。