- The wine had been doctored. 这葡萄酒里掺入了有害物质。
- The wine has been cellared for twenty years. 酒在地窖里存了二十年。
- The wine has been thinned with water. 这酒已用水稀释。
- The wine has been cellared for ten years. 酒在地窖里存了十年。
- The longer the wine has been stored,the better the quality. 酒越陈,质量越好。
- The longer the wine has been stored, the better the quality. 酒越陈,质量越好。
- The longer the wine has been stored, the more sweetish and mellow it tastes. 酒存放的时间越长,味道就越甘甜、芬芳。
- The Gypsy had been affected by the wine. 吉卜赛人酒喝得多了点。
- The wine racks had been systematically emptied. 放酒架已经有条理的清空了。
- The wine has made him a trifle tipsy. 这酒喝得他有点醉意了。
- If the wine has been decanted it will not keep for very long and cannot be kept for the next day. 一旦酒被倒出,就不可能保持很长时间并且无法保存到第二天。
- After-taste: The taste of wine lingering in the mouth after the wine has been swallowed. See FINISH. 回味:在吞咽下酒之后喉间酒味萦回的味道。请参阅余味。
- The wine has been watered. 这酒是兑了水的。
- The rest of the wine has gone bad. 剩下的酒已经变质了。
- VINIFICATION: The wine has been raised for 15% in one and two-year old oak barrels of and 85% in stainless steel and concrete tanks before bottling the summer following the harvest. 经过15%25一年和两年的旧橡木桶中,85%25在不锈钢罐和水泥酒槽中,经过夏天收获季节装瓶。
- The wine has a strong delayed effect. 这酒后劲大。
- The wine has an intense red violet color. 该酒呈紫罗兰颜色。
- The wine has no taste.The food sickens you. 美酒索然无味,佳肴令你恶心。
- He knew the Gypsy had been affected by the wine from his voice. 他从吉普赛人的声调里听出他有了几分醉意。
- The wine had made him incapable of thinking clearly. 葡萄酒下肚,他就无法清醒地思考了。