- The wind whistled past. 风嘘嘘吹过。
- The wind whistled through a crack in the door. 风从门的裂缝中呼呼地刮了进来。
- The wind whistled through the crevices in the rock. 风呼啸着吹过岩石的缝隙。
- The wind whistled down the chimney. 风飕飕地顺着烟囱往下刮。
- The wind whistled through a crackin the door. 风从门缝中呼呼刮了进来。
- The wind whistled through the eaves. 风呼啸着穿过屋脊。
- Soon the wind whistled across the boys' faces. 一会儿,风呼呼地从男孩们的脸蛋旁擦过。
- The wind whistled through the rigging. 风呼呼吹过缆索。
- The wind whistled through the trees. 风穿过树丛,树叶哗哗作响。
- The wind whistled through the rigging . 风呼呼吹过缆索。
- In an instant, the past flashed upon my mind as the wind whistled past. Holding the flower high, I seemed to see Ch'ichen smiling slyly a second. 刹那间,往事裹挟着岁月的风尘呼啸而至。我擎着那朵木槿,仿佛又看见了齐晨狡黠的笑颜。
- The cold wind whistled past. 寒风嗖嗖吹过。
- Once more the lad hopped on the tail of the good fox, who bore him so swiftly that the wind whistled in his ears and the trees flew past him as if they were running away. 老三再度跳上狐狸的尾巴,牠载他飞奔而去,一路上风在他耳边呼啸,两旁的树木往后跑。
- In the meantime, the place became dilapidated, the wind whistled through the cracked walls. 在那时候,这地方变得破落不堪,风从裂了缝的墙壁呼呼地吹进来。
- She backed away from the window in great fear when bullets and shrapnel whistled past her ears. 当子弹和弹片嗖嗖地从耳边飞过时,她惊恐地从窗边躲开。
- A bullet whistled past his head. 一颗子弹从他头顶上呼啸而过。
- When they started the third time Tippy Toes said, "We have nothing to go back for this time," but the wind whistled in his ears. 他们第三次出发的时候,歪脚趾说:“咱们这回没啥东西要回去拿了吧。”可是,说什么就来什么。
- The bullets whistled past his ears. 子弹刺溜刺溜地从他耳边擦过去。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- Then the world turned suddenly upside down, the barge seemed to flit lightly across the sky, the wind whistled in his ears, and Toad found himself flying through the air, revolving rapidly as he went. 霎时间,蟾蜍只觉天旋地转,拖船仿佛轻轻地掠过天空,耳边风声呼啸,他感到自己腾空飞起,边飞边迅速地折跟斗。