- The wind buffeted the boats. 风冲击着小船。
- The wind and rain buffeted the sails. 风雨不停地吹刮风帆。
- The workers were buffeted the wind and the rain. 工人们经受风吹雨打.
- The boat fell off when the wind grew too strong. 风太大,船于是改变航向,转向下风处。
- The wind is up and the boat rampages along. 起风了,船行得快了。
- Strong winds buffet the ship from time to time. 狂风时不时地击打着航船。
- The wind impelled the boat toward the shore. 风把船吹向岸边。
- The wind drifted the boat toward the shore. 风将小船吹向岸边。
- The boat is running up before the wind. 小船正顺风疾驶。
- The wind tossed the boat in the sea. 风使得那条船在海上来回颠簸。
- Winds buffet the plane, tossing it from side to side. 风折腾着飞机,使它反复颠簸。
- They bore the boat off the wind a bit. 他们使船稍微偏离风向。
- The boats travel very slowly when the wind is foul. 在逆风的时候,船走得很慢。
- The boat was eating its way up towards the wind. 那只船顶着风快速地行驶。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- The boat is running well before the wind. 小船顺风急行。
- As the wind dropped, the boat brought to. 风止住了, 船停了下来。
- The waves buffeted the boat. 波浪拍击着船只。
- When the wind dropped,the boat sagged away to leeward. 风停后,这条小船向下风飘去。
- The leaves were blowing in the wind; the boat drifted on the lake. 树叶在风中飘动;这艘船在海上漂流。