- The wife or widow of a viscount. 子爵夫人子爵的妻子或寡妇
- The wife or widow of a duke. 公爵夫人或公爵遗孀
- The wife or widow of a margrave. 侯爵夫人,总督夫人侯爵(或总督)的妻子或遗孀
- The wife or widow of a landgrave. 伯爵领主的夫人或寡妇
- A woman who holds a title by association, as the wife or widow of a peer. 贵族夫人或遗孀贵族的妻子或守寡贵妇等因联姻而获贵族头衔的女人
- The wife or widow of an archduke. 大公(爵)夫人公爵妻子或遗孀
- Used as the title for the wife or widow of a knight or baronet. 骑士之妻的尊称用作骑士或准男爵夫人或寡妇的称谓
- The wife or widow of an emperor. 皇后,太后帝王的妻子或寡妇
- Used as a form of address for the wife or widow of a baron. 男爵之妻的尊称用来称呼男爵夫人或其寡妇的用语
- The wife or widow of a count in various European countries. 许多欧洲国家的伯爵的妻子或遗孀。
- A woman who holds a title by association,as the wife or widow of a peer. 贵族夫人或遗孀贵族的妻子或守寡贵妇等因联姻而获贵族头衔的女人
- The wife or widow of an earl in Great Britain. 伯爵夫人或遗孀英国伯爵的妻子或遗孀。
- The wife or widow of a knight. 爵士夫人爵士的妻子或遗孀
- The wife or widow of a baron. 男爵夫人,男爵遗孀
- The wife or widow of a king. 王后国王的妻子或遗孀
- A woman who holds a title by association, as the wife or widow of a peer 贵族夫人或遗孀贵族的妻子或守寡贵妇等因联姻而获贵族头衔的女人
- a noblewoman who holds the rank of baron or who is the wife or widow of a baron. 拥有男爵等级的贵族妇女或是男爵的妻子或遗孀。
- 4.a noblewoman who holds the rank of baron or who is the wife or widow of a baron. 拥有男爵等级的贵族妇女或是男爵的妻子或遗孀。
- The office, rank, or title of a duke. 公爵的官职、级别或头衔
- The office,rank,or title of a duke. 公爵的官职、级别或头衔