- The wicket closed again. 那小墙洞又闭上了。
- 'The ghosts that vanished when the wicket closed. “小门关掉之后便消失的幽灵群。
- They slid through the wicket in the big gate,. 他们滑行通过大门口的边门。
- Emma wondered if lying down together would bring them close again. 艾玛很想知道,两人躺在一起,是否还能拉近彼此的距离。
- He had a shy at the wicket but missed. 他向三柱门投掷一球,但未命中。
- The ring of onlookers distended and closed again elastically. 围观的一圈人散开了,接着又弹簧一般聚拢来。
- "How did Edrich get out? ""He was caught behind the wicket". “艾里奇是怎么出局的?”“他在球门后被截住。”
- He set down two side dishes of fried potatoes and closed the wicket into the kitchen. 他又放下两碟装着炸马铃薯的添菜,然后关上通向厨房那扇便门。
- Then they closed again,and were still in holds when time was called. 然后他们又交起手来,当记时员叫停时他们仍扭抱在一起。
- The wicket opened on a stone staircase, leading upward. 小门通向一道上行的石梯。
- Then they closed again, and were still in holds when time was called. 然后他们又交起手来,当记时员叫停时他们仍扭抱在一起。
- The fielder threw the ball but missed the wicket by a long chalk. 外场手掷球,但与三柱门相去甚远。
- The cricket player positioned immediately behind the wicket in play. 守门员,捕手比赛中位置在三柱门之后的板球手
- MARTIN WELLS is shocked and saddened by this. He hugs his girls close again. (马丁威尔斯很吃惊而且被这弄得很难过。他再一次抱紧了他的女儿们。)
- To have a woman keep the wicket to the mouse-trap of the secret cells. 但让一个妇女来掌握秘密监狱活板门的小窗口则是错误的。
- Success never say anything, just the lobby of the TV off, opened, closed again opened. 成功再也没有说什么,只是把大厅里的电视机开了又关,关了又开。
- Two stunted apple trees raised their gnarled and knotty branches on either side of the wicket gate. 边门两旁,是两株瘦小的苹果树那多节的桠枝。
- It was reported that the Indo-Myanmar border was closed for nine hours earlier in the week, and may be closed again in the coming days. 消息指出该星期稍早印度缅甸边界封闭9小时,接下来几天可能再次关闭。
- He did the work so badly that I had to do it all over again myself. 他干的太差劲了,我只好亲自重做。
- A flash empurpled all the facades in the street as though the door of a furnace had been flung open, and hastily closed again. 火光一闪,把街旁的房屋照成紫色,好象有个火炉的门突然开了一下,又立即闭上似的。