- The wheels were turning slowly. 轮子在缓慢地转动着。
- The wheels were turning swiftly. 车轮飞快地转动着。
- The wheel was turning round and round. 轮子转个不停。
- The wheels were turning. 轮子在转动。
- The wheels were stuck in the mud. 车轮陷到了泥里。
- The wheels are turning. 轮子在旋转。
- With the White House repeating the president's intention to veto the bill, the wheels are turning in the House and Senate looking ahead to the next phase of the standoff between Congress and President Bush over Iraq. 由于白宫一再强调布什总统否决撒军当案的意图,优势已经转向参议两院,大家为下一阶段努力在国会和布什总统之间寻找平衡。
- The wheel of history can not be turned back. 历史的车轮决不会倒转。
- The wheel of history can never be turned back. 历史车轮绝不能倒转。
- The wheels are exact replicas of the real thing. 车轮是确切的复制品真正的事。
- Has the wheel been properly trued up? 车轮子装正了吗?
- The wheels were set further back on the original locomotive. 车轮安装得比原来机车的更靠后些。
- The wheels were called in my hearing, the whirling wheels. 结10:13至于这些轮子、我耳中听见说、是旋转的。
- What if all the while your wheels were turning you were moving toward success little by little and didn't realize it? 如果所有的人而你把你的车轮走向成功的一点一滴,没料到?
- The wheel of history cannot be turned back. 历史的车轮不能倒转。
- There would be a thriving tourist trade and the wheels of industry would be turning. 旅游业将兴旺起来,工业的车轮也将转动。
- The wheels Began to revolve/ turn slowly 轮子慢慢地转了起来。
- The wheels were so loose I was afraid they'd fall off. 车轮如此的松,我担心他们会掉下来。
- The invention of the wheel was a milestone in the history of the world. 发明轮子是世界历史上的重大事件。
- It is clear that the wheel of history cannot be turned back. 很明显历史的年轮不能倒转。