- The pillars have to support the weight of the roof. 这些柱子须承受屋顶的重量。
- The dam burst under the weight of water. 那水坝在水的压力下决口了。
- These pillars carry the weight of the roof. 这些柱子支撑著屋顶的重量。
- The weight of the load swayed the boat to the left. 负载使船侧向左边。
- The weight of the overcoat made it uncomfortable to wear. 这件大衣很重,穿著不舒服。
- She was struggling under the weight of three suitcases. 她提著三个箱子,步履维艰。
- The dam eventually yielded and collapsed under the weight of water. 水坝在水的压力下终於决口。
- The shelves sag under the weight of the books. 书架因书的重量而下陷。
- The weight of the snow caved in the roof. 积雪的重量压塌了屋顷。
- In this way he got the weight of the elephant. 用这方法他称出了大象的重量。
- Rafters carry the weight of the roof. 椽木支撑住屋顶的重量。
- The weight of snow collapsed the roof. 积雪的重压使屋顶倒塌了。
- The support is too weak for the weight of the load. 所载的分量很重已经禁不住了。
- The weight of this parcel is pulling on her arms. 包裹重重地压在她的手臂上。
- This load is three times the weight of that load. 这堆货物的重量是那堆货物重量的3倍。
- What's the weight of free charge checked luggage? 免费托运的行李重量是多少?
- The foundations were not strong enough to sustain the weight of the house. 这地基不够牢固,无法承受房屋的重量。
- The weight of the water from the burst pipe caused the ceiling to collapse. 水管破裂流出很多水把天花板压塌了。
- The weight of bolls 铃重
- Don't look as if you had the weight of the world on your shoulders, Henry, just because you have to mow the lawn. 亨利,不要因为让你给草坪刈刈草,就满脸忧愁好像肩负着重担的样子。