- The wall was plum square. 这面墙恰好是正方形。
- The wall was smeared with streaks of dirt. 墙上有一道道的脏痕。
- The wall was covered with English ivy. 墙上覆盖着长春藤。
- The wall was hung with tapestry. 墙上装饰著挂毯。
- Hanging on the wall was a fine etching of the church. 挂在墙上的是一幅精致的教堂蚀刻板画。
- The marking on the wall was childish and unsightly. 墙上的记号幼稚而难看。
- The wall was sprayed with coloured paints. 这面墙是经彩喷处理的。
- The wall was smeared with letters and drawings. 这面墙被字母和图画弄得又脏又乱。
- The friezes round the top of the wall are delicate. 墙顶的横条很精致。
- The wall was knocked down by a traek. 那堵墙被卡车撞倒了。
- The dictator ordered the wall be built in two days. 独裁者要求这堵墙两天之内被造好。
- The switch on the wall was beyond the baby's reach. 墙上的开关小孩子是够不到的。
- The wall was blackened by smoke. 墙熏得黑糊糊的。
- The wall was posted with placards. 那面墙壁上贴了海报。
- Hanging on the wall was a splendid painting. 墙上挂的是一副精彩的画。
- The calendar on the wall was from last year. 墙上的日历是去年的。
- The compass of the wall was about forty miles. 这面墙包含的范围是40英里。
- The wall was built by piling up pumice stones. 这面墙是用浮岩垒成的。
- A number of stains on the wall were papered over. 墙壁上的几个污迹用纸覆盖起来了。
- The wall was riddled with bullet holes. 墙上到处都是子弹打的窟窿。