- The board communicate with computer through the Universal Serial Bus (USB),and utilize 12-Bit A/D Converter and 16-Channel Analog Multiplexers to collect amplified analog signals. 该采集卡采用通用串行总线(USB)接口方式,通过12位A/D转换芯片及多通道模拟开关,采集经过转换、放大的内窥镜镜体形变信号。
- The system utilizes the data transmission function of the universal serial bus, connects with PC based on USB interface and forms the high-performance data acquisition system. 本系统充分利用了通用串行总线的数据传输功能,与带USB接口的PC机连接构成高性能的数据采集系统。
- With the advantages of supporting PnP (Plug and Play) and hot plug, as well as highly speeded, easily extended and bus power supply, the Universal Serial Bus is becoming the main interface between PC and peripheral communication. USB总线由于支持即插即用和热拔插,以及具有速度快、易于扩展、总线供电等优点,目前已成为PC机与外部通信的主流接口。
- The Universal Serial Bus was originally developed in 1995 by leading PC and telecommunication industry companies, such as Intel, Compaq, Microsoft and NEC. The motivation for the development of the USB emerged of several considerations. USB最初是于1995年由PC和电信业界几个主要的厂商,如Intel、Compaq、Microsoft和NEC共同开发的。
- Double-click Universal Serial Bus controllers. 双击“通用串行总线控制器”。
- Universal Serial Bus (USB) is similar to a serial port. 通用串行总线(USB)与串行口相似。
- Here are solutions to some common problems with universal serial bus (USB) devices. 以下是有关通用串行总线(USB)设备的一些常见问题的解决方案。
- A universal serial bus (USB) microphone with gain adjustment support is recommended. 建议使用支持增益调节的通用串行总线(USB)麦克风。
- If it is a universal serial bus (USB) cable, it will plug into any USB port on your computer. 如果电缆是通用串行总线(USB)电缆,则可将其插入计算机上的任何USB端口。
- You can connect a digital camera if both your computer and your camera have built-in Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports. 如果您的电脑和数码相机都有内建通用串行总线(USB)端口,就可以连接相机。
- The universal serial bus 通用串行总线
- Universal serial Bus (USB) provides a new method for data transfer that is different from traditional MCU system. 新型通用串行总线USB为数据传输提供了一种不同于传统MCU系统的新的方式。
- USB, short for Universal Serial Bus, is a new industry-standard extension to the PC architecture for attaching peripherals to the computer. USB就是通用串行总线(Universal Serial Bus)的英文缩写,它是用于连接计算机外围设备的新型PC总线架构。
- Universal Serial Bus interface technology has been widely applied because of its low cost, PNP, advantages to expand, etc. 通用串行总线 (USB)以其低成本、使用简单、扩展方便及支持即插即用设备等特点而得到了广泛应用。
- A multichannel data acquisition system was designed based on digital signal processor(DSP) and universal serial bus(USB) technology. 介绍了基于DSP芯片和USB总线技术的多通道数据采集系统的设计。
- A multichannel input sampling and processing system is designed based on digital signal processor(DSP)and universal serial bus(USB)technology. 基于DSP芯片和USB总线技术,设计了多通道数据采集处理系统。
- Universal Serial Bus or USB is a low to medium speed, bi-directional, isochronous, lowcost, dynamically attachable serial interface. 通用串行总线或称USB是一种中低速、双向、同步、低成本及可动态连接(热插拔)的串行接口。
- Since puting out in 1995, USB(Universal Serial Bus) has become the main interface of external communication to the computer in short order. 通用串行总线(Universal Serial Bus)自从1995年推出以来,很快就成为了计算机外部通讯的主要接口。
- Unplug all imaging devices that are connected to your computer with a universal serial bus (USB) cable, including digital cameras and scanners. 把所有通过USB线缆连接到您计算机的影像设备拔除,包括数码相机和扫描仪。
- The communication between host computer and subsystems uses USB( Universal Serial Bus) that insures real-time, high speed and convenient connection of the system devices. 各系统和主机之间采用usb总线连接的方式进行通讯,既可以保证通讯的实时性、速性,又使得主机和设备之间的连接更加方便。