- The unexpected news baffled me. 意料之外的消息使我困惑不解。
- The unexpected news baffled us. 这意想不到的消息把我们给难住了。
- The unexpected news fairly knocks me back ! 这意想不到的消息真叫我大吃一惊!
- I gasped with surprise at the unexpected news. 听到意外的消息,我惊讶地吸了一口气。
- My stomach knotted at the unexpected news. 听到这一意外的消息,我的心都揪紧了。
- The unexpected news fairly knocked me over. 那意外的消息着实使我吃了一惊。
- I became worried when I heard the unexpected news. 听到意外的消息时,我着急起来。
- The unexpected news fairly knocked her down. 这出人意料的消息使她大为震惊。
- She was knocked over by the unexpected news. 这意外的消息使她心烦意乱。
- We were all astonished at the unexpected news. 听了这个突如其来的消息,我们都很诧异。
- The unexpected news denuded of all his self respect. 这出乎意料的消息使他完全丧失了自尊心。
- One of the exam questions baffled me completely. 有一道试题把我完全难住了。
- The unexpected news produced a kind of galvanization of the whole team. 意外消息给整支队伍带来了几分活跃气氛。
- The question baffled me completely and I could not answer. 这个问题把我彻底难倒了,我答不出来。
- Upon hearing the unexpected news, he was so surprised that he couldn't utter a word. 听到这个突如其来的消息后,他极为吃惊,一句话也说不出来。
- The crossword puzzle baffled me. 那个纵横字谜使我困惑不解。
- The unexpected guest disordered his plans. 这位不速之客打乱了他的计划。
- The crossword puzzle baffled me . 那个纵横字谜使我困惑不解。
- Meanwhile, we find that in Shenzhen stock market, big companies' stocks underreact to the unexpected news, and it would take at least one week for the market to digest the news. 同时,我们还发现深市大公司股票存在针对新消息反应不足的现象,新消息至少需要一周时间才能被市场慢慢消化。
- He was discomfited by the unexpected questions. 意料不到的问题使得他十分尴尬。