- The tyre was ripped up. 轮胎划破了。
- The tyres are worn but still serviceable. 这些轮胎已磨损,但尚可用。
- The road along the historic bund is being ripped up to build a new promenade. 沿着历史性的堤岸的道路被拆除,用来建筑新的滨江大道。
- One night,a young man's car broke down on the dark and remote road:The tyre was exploded. 一天晚上,在漆黑偏僻的公路上,一个年轻人的汽车抛锚:汽车轮胎爆了!
- The machine is used to rip up the documents. 这台机器使用来搅碎旧布并为织出新布提供纤维的。
- Very little faith can be placed in these bargaining processes if agreements can be ripped up when the ink is hardly dry on the paper. 如果黑迹未干就可以撕毁协议,那么在这些交易过程中也就没有什么信用可言了。
- The Stamford Bridge pitch is being ripped up today and a new one will be laid in time for the visit of Reading on Boxing Day. 今天,俱乐部方面将对斯坦福桥球场的草皮进行修整,新的草皮将在节礼日对阵雷丁的主场比赛之前铺好。
- He was pumping air into the tyre. 他在为轮胎打气。
- All of a sudden, the tyre burst. 轮胎突然爆裂了。
- This is a far cry from the days when Confucius was reviled in national campaigns and his descendants' graveyard was ripped up by Red Guards (the ultimate humiliation for any Chinese). 孔子的待遇与红卫兵时代大相径庭,那时全国批孔,其后代被掘墓(这对任何中国人来说都是奇耻大辱)。
- The tyre burst with a loud report. 轮胎砰的一声巨响爆裂了。
- The poster had been ripped to pieces. 那张广告画已被撕得粉碎。
- The dog had its belly ripped up by a wild boar. 狗的肚子给野猪撕裂了。
- All the Michelin teams went for the harder tyre. Was wear a concern? JT: Actually, the tyre degradation was low, it's just that the harder tyre was more suitable. 米其林的车队都用了硬胎,磨损是考虑的问题吗?答:实际上轮胎的磨损不厉害,只是硬胎更适合。
- The house was ripped asunder by the explosion. 房子被炸得粉碎.
- The tyre is too hard reduce the pressure a bit. 这轮胎太硬,要减少一点压力。
- He was going to rip up the canvas. 他打算去把画布割开。
- Have a dekko at this wheel: the tyre's flat. 瞧瞧这个轮子,轮胎瘪了。
- I found a nail sticking in the tyre. 我发现轮胎上扎着一根钉子。
- So terrible was the storm that whole roofs were ripped off. 这次暴风雨如此肆虐,整个屋顶都被掀掉了。