- The two lights led in. 这两盏信号灯指示入港的航路。
- A small adjustment will equalize the temperature in the two rooms. 稍作些调节就会使两间房内的温度相等。
- The two light sources contain decomposition plate spetroscopy photoptic layer. 这两栽平源都含有搀合版材感平层的平谱。
- The two men fought out their differences in court. 那两人诉诸法庭解决他们的争端。
- The two animals were locked in a fight. 这两头野兽打得难分难解。
- You will see the light transmitter B and E the two lights have been lit. 你会看到发射机的指示灯B与E两灯已被点亮。
- The judge met the two lawyers in his chambers. 法官在他的办公室里会见了两位律师。
- The two brothers are in stark contrast. 兄弟俩形成鲜明的对比。
- The phosphors emit yellow light excited by the blue light and the two lights mix into white light. 目前,商用白光LED大部分采用光转换方式,由蓝光激发荧光粉发出黄光,经混合后形成白光。
- The two sisters have nothing in common. 两姐妹没有什么共同之处。
- The two sets of traffic lights were out of phase. 那两组交通灯不同步。
- When the two light beams recombine, they interfere and form a pattern that depends on the difference between the distances they traveled. 当两束光重遇后将发生干涉,并形成一个依赖于两条光路光程差的图样。
- The two health insurance schemes have nothing at all in common. 这两个健康保险方案丝毫没有共同之处。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- The two boys often stop in after school. 这两个孩子放学后常给留下。
- The two systems are, in effect, identical. 这两种制度实际上一模一样。
- Urban planning and construction of the two light light lines framework of a versatile, three-dimensional traffic network crosscutting. 建设中的城市轻轨和规划中的两条轻轨线路,构架起一个四通八达、纵横交错的立体交通网络。
- The two writers have a number of tilt in print. 这两位作家写过一些文章互相攻击。
- The variety of Baici with low N efficiency had a decreased root biomass compared to other genotypes under N stress condition in the two light intensity. 在不同光照水平低氮胁迫时,氮低效品种白瓷与其它三个品种相比,根系的形态指标均有不同程度的降低。
- The two writers had a number of tilts in print. 这两位作家写过一些文章互相攻击。