- The train still stood there. 火车还停在那里没开走。
- The remains of that palace still stand there. 那座宫殿的遗迹依然耸立在那里。
- She stood there even after the train was out of sight. 虽然已经看不到火车了,但她仍站在那儿。
- The old pine tree still stood there liked an umbrella covering the entrance. 那棵老松树仍然立在那儿,象一把雨伞盖住了入口。
- He was still standing there, like a man of stone, his back hunched. 他还象石像似的站着驼着背。
- The boys were still standing there, too shocked and scared to move. 孩子们仍站在那里,吓得呆若木鸡,一步也不能动弹。
- The buildings still stand there grandly enough, but look across the river now and, bang opposite the Bund, there towers a spectacular architectural riposte. 这些建筑依然雄伟地矗立在那里,但现在往江对岸看去,就在外滩的对面,也矗立着一系列雄伟的建筑。
- Be there a restaurant car on the train? 这列火车上有餐车吗?
- I stood there until the car was out of sight. 我在那站着直到看不见那辆车。
- As she watched, her heart melted into bitter water.If he, after another minute, still stood there, she thought, she would risk the ridicule of others and tell the maid to invite him back in. 她看得心溶化成苦水,想一分钟后他再不走,一定不顾笑话,叫用人请他回来。
- However, despite the 4 train derailment, the train is still standing in front of a few meters away on the tracks. 不过,尽管有4节车厢出轨,但火车的车头仍挺立在数米外的铁轨上。
- I have only seen my father cry once.It was at the Alton train station,back when the trains still ran. 我只有一次看见父亲哭。
- There was such a crush on the train that I could hardly breathe. 火车上挤得我都喘不过气来。
- Proof against wind and weather, the house still stands there without even breaches in the roof of shuttered windows. 经过了风吹雨打,房子仍立在那儿,连屋顶和百叶窗都没有裂缝和漏洞。
- All the seat-covers on the train had been torn by vandals. 列车上所有的椅套都被蓄意破坏者撕破了。
- Several columns among the ruins still stood upright. 在废墟中依然挺立着几根柱子。
- Don't stand there blocking the gateway! 别站在那儿挡着门口!
- The train is attacked by guerilla. 火车受到游击队的袭击。
- Proof against wind and weather,the house still stands there without even breaches in the roof of shuttered windows. 经过了风吹雨打,房子仍立在那儿,连屋顶和百叶窗都没有裂缝和漏洞。
- The boys were spitting out of the train window. 那些男孩子向火车窗外吐口水。