- The test was a joke to the whole class. 全班都认为那次考试题出得太容易了。
- The test was a bitch. 那个实验真别扭。
- The timing will be a bitch on that. 这时间如何安排,倒是个难题。
- That driving test was a real doddle. 那次驾驶执照的考试真是易如反掌。
- The test yesterday was a son of a gun. 昨天的测验很难。
- A piece of cake Bob said the test was difficult, but I thought it was a piece of cake. Bob说考试很难,但我认为那个考试简单极了。
- She said her son thought Hillary was a bitch. 她说她的儿子觉得希拉里是个婊子。
- His performance in the test was not good enough. 他在测验中做的不够好。
- The highest mark in the test was nine out of ten. 这次测验最高分是。
- Michale turn out to be a wonk for passing the test. 为了通过这次考试,麦克当了一回特别用功的学生。
- The test was separated into three divisions. 试题分为三个部分。
- Will the test be on Scantron or in a blue book? 这次考试是用电脑阅卷卡,还是用蓝皮簿?
- Test was a breeze! I got one hundred percent! 这考试真简单!我考了一百分!
- That driving test was a real doddle . 那次驾驶执照的考试真是易如反掌。
- The results of the test were very cheering. 化验结果令人欢欣鼓舞。
- The test was real child' s play. 那次测验实在太容易了。
- The test was carried out under normal conditions. 核试验是在标准状况下进行的。
- While it was true that the teacher test was a strong symbol of accountability to many people, the case for the test came out of the hearings the Standards Committee had held across the state. 尽管对许多人来说,教师考试的确是对教师工作核定的一个显著标志,但提出它的理由却来自教育标准委员会在全州各地举行的听证会。
- The tests are scored by psychologists. 测验由心理学家评分。
- Kim Myong-chol, executive director of the Centre for Korean-American Peace in Tokyo, who is close to Pyongyang, said the test was a reminder that North Korea "is going it alone as a nuclear power". 设在东京的朝美和平中心之执行主任、同朝鲜关系密切的金明哲称,核试验是一次提醒:朝鲜“将独立自主成为核大国”。