- The tail wags the dog. 小人物掌权。
- The speculative market is like the tail wagging the dog. 投机市场就像狗尾巴一样摇晃。
- Instead of the doctors giving the porters orders, we were telling the doctors what to do! It was a case of the tail wagging the dog. 不是医生向勤务工发号施令,而是我对医生说该做什么。这是上下颠倒的一个实例。
- That the few right-wingers should exert such an influence on the policy of the party is a case of the tail wagging the dog. 少数几个右翼分子竟然对党的政策产生如此的影响,这是少数人控制多数人的一个实例。
- Instead of the doctors giving the porters orders,we were telling the doctors what to do! It was a case of the tail wagging the dog. 不是医生向勤务工发号施令,而是我对医生说该做什么。这是上下颠倒的一个实例。
- Because the boss bought a cheap lot of dark green paint,they have painted all the offices with it. It's a depressing environment to work in and a typical case of the tail wagging the dog. 因为老板买了大量便宜的深绿色油漆,他们就用它把所有的办公室都油漆了。这种工作环境使人觉得很压抑,真是一个主次颠倒的典型事例。
- Because the boss bought a cheap lot of dark green paint, they have painted all the offices with it. It's a depressing environment to work in and a typical case of the tail wagging the dog. 因为老板买了大量便宜的深绿色油漆,他们就用它把所有的办公室都油漆了。这种工作环境使人觉得很压抑,真是一个主次颠倒的典型事例。
- Can the Libyan tail wag the Egyptian dog? 利比亚这小国家能左右埃及这样的大国吗?
- A case of the tail wagging the dog 上下颠倒的情形;小人物掌权的情形
- The tail wags the dog 小人物掌权
- Within the economy they occupy a subordinate position. They ought not to expect the tail to wag the dog. 在这一经济体制中,他们占据次要的地位,他们不该指望本末倒置来左右局面。
- The dog greets you with tail wags. 小狗用摇动尾巴迎接你。
- You must meet him, you should keep the tail from wagging the dog. 你一定要见见他,要顾全大局,绝不能因小失大。
- In daily work, we should keep the tail from wagging the dog! 在每天的工作中,我们不要因小事而影响到重要的事情。
- The tail wagging the dog (situation in which a minor part of sth is controlling or determining the course of the whole) 尾巴摇狗(次要部分支配或决定全局).
- Both leaders of Taiwan and China need to keep the tail from wagging the dog. (台湾与大陆的领导人,不可因小事而影响大局。)
- We should remember we'll keep the tail from wagging the dog on everything. 我们在做任何事的时候都要注意顾全大局,不能因小失大。
- That's an improtant job, we should keep the tail from wagging the dog! 在日常工作中;我们不要因为小事情而影响了大事.
- In foreign affairs, the U.S. should keep the tail from wagging the dog. (在外交事务上,美国不要因为小事而影响到大局。)(也就是不要让尾巴摇狗)
- We should keep the tail from wagging the dog to deal with all the things. 我们在处理任何事情的时候都要记得顾全大局。