- He weighed the stone in his hands. 他把石头拿在手上掂了掂。
- He weighed the stone in his hand. 他用手掂了掂这块石头的重量.
- The stone in his kidney. 他接受特殊的药物治疗来分解肾脏里的结石。
- He fail to lift the stone in spite of all his exertion. 他显然尽了全力,仍未能将此石头抬起。
- He weighed the stone in his hand,ie estimated how heavy it was by holding it. 他用手掂了掂这块石头的重量。
- After some time, he comes back with a small stone in his mouth. He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle. 郑:过了一会儿,他嘴里叼着一块小石头回来了。他来到瓶子旁边,把石头放入瓶子。
- She weighed the stone in her hand. 她用手掂了掂石头的重量。
- He weighed the stone in the hands. 他用手估量这块石头的重量。
- The nails in his boots grated on the stones. 他靴子上的钉子在石头上发出嘎嘎声。
- He failed to lift the stone in spite of all his exertion. 他显然尽了全力,仍未能将此石头抬起。
- And Walter has the Ebony Stone in his possession? 而沃尔特拥有着漆黑之石吗?
- He failed to lift the stone in spite of all his exertion . 他显然尽了全力,仍未能将此石头抬起。
- As the stones in his stomach made him very thirsty, he got up and went to the brook to drink. 因为他肚子里的石头让他觉得很渴,他便起身到河边去喝水。
- Look, he still held the stones in his hand. He held them to home. Only when he had to wash the hands had he put off the stones. 看,他左手里攥着两块石头呢!把石头拿了一路,回家洗手的时候才抢下来。
- A stone in his shoe accounts for why he was limping. 他鞋子里有一块石子,这就是他一瘸一拐的原因。
- The stone made a dent in the roof of my car. 我的汽车顶让石头砸了个坑。
- Leon: And Walter has the Ebony Stone in his possession? 利:而沃尔特拥有着漆黑之石吗?
- His memorial was engraved on the stone. 纪念他的碑文刻在石碑上。
- He whetted his knife on the stone. 他在石头上磨刀。
- The coins jingled in his pocket. 他衣袋里的硬币叮当乱响。