- The soldiers went to war. 士兵们上了战场。
- The soldiers went on the prowl hoping to meet some girls. 这些大兵逛来逛去,希望碰上花姑娘。
- The soldiers went past on the march. 士兵们以行军的步伐走了过去。
- The soldiers went to the flood-stricken areas to control the flood. 洪灾爆发后战士们奔赴抗洪第一线救险。
- The soldiers were all used to war or fighting. 战士们个个都能征善战。
- The king decided to go to war against his enemies. 国王决定对敌人开战。
- On the other hand he signified couragevictory in battle,and was devoutly worshipped by soldiers going to war. 另一方面,他代表勇气和胜利,被即将上战场的战士们疯狂地崇拜。
- The country is making preparations for war/to go to war. 该国正进行备战[准备打仗]。
- We hurrah when we see the soldiers go by. 我们看到士兵经过时向他们欢呼。
- The American soldier went to the front again and was put in the bag and sent to some Boche prison. 那个美国士兵再次上了前线,但却成了俘虏,被押进德国鬼子的监狱。
- The soldiers went back under heavy artillery fire. 士兵们在密集的炮火掩护下向后撤退。
- The United States went to war with Mexico in 1846. 1846年美国与墨西哥开始作战。
- The soldiers went forward at dawn. 士兵在拂晓时前进。
- The Spartan army must not go to war. 斯巴达军队不可以参战。
- The king decide to go to war against his enemy. 国王决定对敌人开战。
- Where have all the soldiers gone? Where have all the soldiers gone? Gone to graveyards every one. Oh, when will they ever learn? Oh, when will they ever learn? 那些军人们都到哪儿去了?好长一段时间过去了。那些军人们都到哪儿去了?已经是很久以前的事了。那些军人们都到哪儿去了?每个都进墓园了。哦,他们何时才会明白呢?哦,他们何时才会明白呢?
- Where have all the soldiers gone? 所有的军人离去了哪里?
- In1914 Great Britain went to war, and the men who came back from the war found quite quickly exactly the opposite of a land fit for heroes. 1914年英国参战了,那些从战场上回来的英雄们很快就发现英国并不是一个可以安居乐业的地方。
- The old stayed at home while the young went to war. 青年人去打仗,老年人则留在家中。
- Blair lied about the reasons for going to war. 布莱尔隐瞒了出征去打仗的理由。