- Application of SRI in the Single Cropping Rice in Taizhou, Zhejiang 水稻强化栽培技术在台州单季水稻上的应用
- The cultivation of a single crop on a farm or in a region or country. 单作在一个国家或地区内的农场上种植单一农作物
- That new typist has all the single men at her feet. 那位新来的打字员使所有的单身汉倾倒。
- How much does the single ticket to Tokyo cost? 去东京的单程票价是多少?
- The single tree in the field is prominent. 田地里这棵孤零零的树很显眼。
- Pasture is the most important single crop in British agriculture. 在英国农业中,牧草是最重要的一种作物。
- When will the single currency be operable? 什么时候实行单一货币?
- The single is a rip-off of a 70s hit. 这首单曲是70年代的一首热门歌曲的翻版。
- "No matter," said the single gentleman angrily. “没关系,”独身绅士忿然地说。
- The Single Market also offers opportunities. 单一市场也提供了机遇。
- All the single number adds up to a large number. 所有这些单个数加起来就是个大数。
- But experts say no single crop will revolutionize farming in Africa. 但是专家表示没有哪种单独的农作物会对非洲农业产生重大的变革。
- The single transferable vote system operates. 单一可转让投票体制开始运作。
- Fields are small: nowhere are there endless acres given over to a single crop. 农田都比较狭小:那里看不到大片的土地被用来种植单一的农作物。
- How much is it for the single room? 单人房房价多少?
- Making a sequencing of the single divisor's index. 将各断面的单因子指数进行排序。
- It's the single most popular polearm in the world. 这是世界上最常见的长柄武器了。
- The growth speed of ryegrass regeneration shoots in intercropping with Chinese milk vetch faster than in single cropping by more than 50%. 集约栽培条件下,黑麦草近距离间作紫云英,黑麦草刈割后再生速度极显著地快于单作黑麦草刈割后的再生速度。
- The expert points out , after China joins WTO, in Heilungkiang 4 big cereal crops maize, wheat, soybean and rice, The rice is the most competitive. 专家指出,中国加入WTO后,在黑龙江4大粮食作物玉米、小麦、大豆和水稻中,水稻最具有竞争优势。
- A local single cropping Zizania caduciflora cultivar of superior quality was seleted. 从中选出了一个品质性状优异的地方品种单季茭黄湾茭。