- The shortest answer is doing the thing. 最简短的回答就是一个"干"字。
- The shortest answer is doing. 最简短的回答是干。
- The shortest answer is watering. 最简单的回答就是灌。
- The short answer is that most Chinese don't.The U. 简单的说,绝大多数中国人并非如此。
- The short answer is that the bacterium is not carried in sperm. 简略的答案是,沃巴赫菌并不透过宿主的精子散播。
- The short answer to both questions is "Yes". 我的简单答案是:“会”。
- The short answer is that no concise statement can yet be made which delimits the substances that stimulate cell division in quiescent cells. 简短的答案是还没有简明的结论来规定促进静止细胞中的细胞分裂的是哪些物质。
- The short answer is that it predisposes them to uterine inertia with resultant c-sections, as well as eclampsia. 简单的说,这样容易引起宫缩乏力,从而导致剖腹产,还可能引发子痫症。
- The short answer is - a rolling motion means you are probably far away from the earthquake; a sharp jolting motion means you are probably close to the earthquake. 一个简略的回答是:来回的晃动意味着你可能离地震发生点比较远;而剧烈的颠簸感意味着你可能离地震发生点非常的近。
- The short answer is: you would think so, but the truth is that we've made more progress with computers in the last 25 years than any advance in equitation over the last 2,500 years! 简短回答是:你能这样想,可真相是,过去25年计算机科学取得的进步,比过去2,500年马术所取得的进步,还要多得多!
- And so a short answer is often spoken of as a laconic answer. 因此简洁的回答通常被称为拉科人的回答。
- The patient is doing nicely after the operation. 病人手术后情况良好。
- I give up; tell me what the answer is. 我认输,告诉我答案吧。
- The short answer to the question posed by Andrew Simms and Joe Smith in the title of their collection of essays, Do Good Lives Have to Cost the Earth? 文章结合山区工程项目的特点;着重论述了在前期场地平整的土石方工程施工中;监理人员对其在工程计量、工程造价的控制难点和存在问题;提出了针对性的建议.
- Which river is the shortest among them? 哪一条河流是它们之中最短的?
- The scientist is doing experiments no one has so far attempted. 科学家们正在作一项迄今为止没人做过的实验。
- The short answer is that no concise statement can yet be made which delimits the substances that stimulate cell division in quiescent cells 简短的答案是还没有简明的结论来规定促进静止细胞中的细胞分裂的是哪些物质。
- The frank answer is that I do not know. 坦白说,我并不知道。
- That boat is done with the steel plate. 那艘船是用钢板做的。
- John is doing his homework, but Alice hasn't. 约翰正在做作业,而爱丽丝还未做。