- The movement of the ship rocked us to sleep. 船的簸动使我们睡着了。
- The ship rocked violently from side to side, causing many passengers to feel seasickness. 轮船剧烈地左右晃动,许多乘客都晕船了。
- The ship rocked in the squall. 船在暴风中颠簸。
- The ship struck on a rock and sank. 船触礁沉没。
- The ship rocked. 船身摇摆。
- The ship rocked in the squall . 船在暴风中颠簸。
- The ship struck upon a rock and soon went under. 这只船撞到一岩石而很快沉没了。
- The ship steamed into the harbor. 船驶入了港湾。
- Based on the analysis of the different interference patterns,a method in which a current loop is added in gyro loop to further improve the degree of isolating for the ship rocked is presented. 论述船用跟踪雷达角伺服系统在不同驱动方式下对船摇扰动隔离效果最好的方法,并对扰动模式进行了分析,指出在陀螺回路内加电流环路可进一步提高船摇隔离度。
- The ship was wrecked on the rock. 船在岩石上撞毁了。
- A sea dashed the ship to shatters against the rock. 一个大浪把船冲到礁石上撞得粉碎。
- The ship was loaded with cargo fore and aft. 这条船从船头到船尾装满了货物。
- The ship hit a rock and wrecked. 船触礁撞毁了。
- The ship beat back against a monsoon. 船逆着季风艰难地行驶。
- The ship kept the buoy on her off side. 这条船在浮标的左边。
- He plotted out the course the ship should follow. 他在海图上标绘出了这艘船该走的航线。
- The ship pitched and tossed in the rough seas. 轮船在汹涌澎湃的大海中起伏颠簸。
- The ship was prized for violating neutrality. 那艘船因违犯中立而被捕获。
- A terrible storm forced the ship to put back. 可怕的风暴迫使这条船返航了。
- The ship came about and headed back for safety. 这只船掉过头往回开到安全地带去。