- The Serpent tempted Eve to pick the forbidden fruit. 那条毒蛇诱使夏娃摘取禁果。
- The serpent tempted Eve. 蛇诱惑了夏娃。
- The serpent tempted Eve to pick the forbidden fruit 那条毒蛇诱骗夏娃摘取了禁果。
- He serpent tempted Eve to pick the forbidden fruit . 那条毒蛇诱骗夏娃摘取了禁果。
- he serpent tempted Eve to pick the forbidden fruit. 那条毒蛇诱骗夏娃摘取了禁果。
- The serpent enticed Eve to eat the apple. 蛇引诱夏娃吃苹果。
- The serpent fascinated its prey. 蛇用目光吓住了它的猎物。
- She detests the serpent from professional jealousy. 她们恨蛇,那只是出于同业的妒嫉心。
- Using a snake, Lucifer tempted Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit. 路西弗利用一条蛇引诱夏娃,使夏娃吃了禁果。
- The serpent hisses where the sweet birds sing. 凡是有甜美的鸟歌唱的地方,都有毒蛇嘶嘶地叫。
- Bill Gates would be the serpent. 比尔盖兹会是蛇。
- The serpent said,'Of course you will not die. 蛇说:“你们不一定会死。
- She is the serpent's Eve, reborn and exalted after the Flood. 根据希腊神话传说,她刚从宙斯前额生出来便已经完全发育成熟,这明摆着就是夏娃从亚当身体中诞生出来并已完成长成的画面。
- I am the serpent king! I can do anything. 我是毒蛇之王!我可以做任何事情。
- The serpent was the first grifter. 这条蛇就是第一个欺诈者。
- Adam was disobedient and Eve was tricked by the serpent. 亚当不顺服和夏娃被蛇欺骗。
- Cadmus next threw his javelin, which met with better success, for it penetrated the serpent's scales and pierced through to his entrails. 卡德摩斯紧接着投出了长矛。这一手倒还奏效,长矛穿过鳞片刺入了蛇的内脏。
- He knows the wiles of the serpent. 他知道阴险毒辣的人的种种诡计。
- The serpent was charmed by the music . 那条蛇被音乐迷住了。
- The serpent bites those who wear no shoes. 蛇只咬不穿鞋的人。