- We enclosed a letter announcing that she was the recipient of an award for her good deeds. 我们还放了一封信,宣称这是她因善行所得到的礼物。
- The recipient of an award. 受奖者,得奖人奖品的接受者
- It can be fleeting, when, for example, you are the recipient of an unflattering remark ten minutes later. 这种信心是短暂的,例如,10分钟过后听到并没有称赞自己的言论。
- Today he returns as the first incumbent Vice President of the United states to be a Harvard commencement speaker and the recipient of an honorary degree. 今天,作为美国第一位在职副总统,戈尔回到母校--哈佛大学,在毕业典礼上演讲,并接受荣誉。
- Emma rather than Jane was the recipient of his gallantries, however, and Emma could see that Mr. and Mrs. Weston were hoping that the romance would prosper. 但他对之大献殷勤的姑娘却不是简而是爱玛。爱玛明白韦斯顿夫妇希望这颗情种能够开花结果。
- The recipient of an honor. 受誉者接受荣誉的人
- The recipient of a transplanted tissue or organ. 移植接受体移植组织或器官的接受体
- She is one of the recipients of prizes. 她是获奖者之一。
- The recipient of the prize have their name printed in the paper. 获奖者的名字登在报上。
- The fault of the consignor or the recipient of the goods. 托运方或收货方本身的过错。
- Her career climaxed in the award of an Oscar. 她荣获奥斯卡金像奖是她事业的顶峰。
- Gymnast Scherbo of Belarus has been chosen the recipient of 1993 Jesse Owens International Trophy Award. 白俄罗斯体操选手谢尔博被提名为1993年杰西·欧文斯国际金球奖获得者。
- They would in time become the recipients of much criticism. 他们最终会受到许多批评。
- A conciliation statement shall have the same legal force as that of an award. 调解书由仲裁员签名,加盖仲裁委员会印章,送达双方当事人。
- The study is the recipient of the Academy's 2006 Resident Research Award in the Basic Science Category. 这项研究的受术者是由学院的2006界住院医师按照基本科学分类来决定的。
- The Phoumi regime became the recipient of American military aid. 富米政权成了美国军事援助的接受者。
- Eddie McGuire is the recipient of Scottish Arts Council’s 2004 Creative Award and the leader of the first ever Scottish band that visited China. 作曲家及竹笛、长笛演奏家爱笛.;麦圭尔是现在在世的最德高望重的苏格兰作曲家之一,是第一个率团访华的苏格兰音乐家。
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破仑攻无不克靠的是坚强的意志。
- They will in time become the recipient of much criticism. 他们最终会受到许多批评。
- Whoever it was who thought of combining a JCB with a stonkingly huge wooden toy deserves some sort of an award. 无论谁,如果有想法将挖掘机理念融入大型木质玩具的制作上的话,都应受到一定的奖赏。