- The rash soon disappeared. 疹子很快就消了.
- The guerrillas dived into the thick forest and soon disappeared. 游击队员突然钻进密林,很快就消失了。
- Scratching the rash will make it worse. 丘疹越挠越坏。
- He intermixed with the crowd and soon disappeared. 他混在人群当中,很快消失了。
- She dabbed the ointment on the rash. 她将药膏轻抹在疹子上。
- The stiffness and self-consciousness soon disappeared. 那种不自然和害羞的感觉不久便消失了。
- The weak muscles can also start with the rash. 皮疹的出现有时是肌无力的先兆。
- The rash will disappear by itself in one to two years. 皮疹将在一至两年的时间内自己消失。
- Let's hope our difficulties will soon disappear. 希望我们的困难不久便会消除。
- Let us hope our difficulties will soon disappear . 希望我们的困难不久便会消除。
- Scratching can aggravate the rash. 搔痒会使疹子发炎。
- The car gathered speed and soon disappeared from view. 轿车加快了速度,很快就不见了。
- The lorry gathered speed and soon disappeared from view. 卡车加快了速度,很快就不见。
- The rash most commonly appears on the back. 皮疹经常长在后背上。
- Did you take any medicine before the rash began? 起皮疹前您吃过什么药吗?
- He put on his raincoat and soon disappeared in the rain. 他穿上雨衣,很快便消失在雨幕中。
- I had no more bother with the rash . 我不再受皮疹之苦了。
- Bids the rash grazer wipe his eye. 令匆匆儿够的人试目儿视。
- The helicoper took off from the terrace and soon disappeared. 直升机从露天平台起飞,很快就消失了。
- If that happened, all humans would soon disappear too. 要是这种事情发生,所有的人也会很快消失。