- The rainfall is decreasing. 雨量正在减少。
- Interest in the sport is decreasing. 人们对此项运动的兴趣已逐渐淡薄。
- Rainfall is about average for the time of year. 对一年中的这个时候来说,降雨量还算普通。
- The rainfall averages 36 inches a year. 年降雨量平均为36英寸。
- In highly urbanized areas, almost all the rainfall is lost, scouring the residual streams. 在高度城市化的地区,几乎所有的降雨都流失了,冲刷着残存的溪流。
- There's terribly little rainfall in this area. or The rainfall is pitifully low in this area. 这一带雨水少得可怜。
- The rainfall there averages 300 mm a year. 那儿的年降雨量平均每年为三百毫米。
- The problem is that the rainfall is not regular. It is not evenly distributed, either in time of year or geographically. 问题在于雨量不规则,无论从季节上讲或地理上讲,雨量的分布都是不均匀的。
- Rainfall is abundant in the region. 该地区降雨丰沛。
- The rainfall is moderate, the sunshine is sufficient, in crops' naked oat, Chinese yam, hu pellets and so on hemp, buckwheat, soybean, pea, millet full excellent in quality. 雨量适中,日照充足,农作物中的莜麦、山药、葫麻、荞麦、大豆、豌豆、谷子等颗粒饱满品质优良。
- The total forest cover of the earth is decreasing. 地球上森林覆盖的总面积正在减少。
- Laohekou has beautiful scenery,the air is fresh with the pleasant weather ,the rainfall is rich,the sunshine is sufficient,the four seasons are distinct. 老河口山清水秀,空气清新,气候宜人,雨量丰富,日照充足,四季分明。
- Rainfall is plentiful in the area. 这个地区雨量充足。
- The rainfall is just right. 雨水正好。
- Frogs began to croak with the rainfall. 一下雨青蛙就开始呱呱地叫起来。
- The rainfall you need is from ? to 1 inch per week. 你需要的降雨量大约从一周?到1英?肌
- The rainfall average s800mm.a year. 平均每年降雨量为800毫米。
- Interest in bowling is decreasing. 人们对保龄球的 兴趣已逐渐减少.
- The rainfall average s800 mm. a year. 平均每年降雨量为800毫米。
- Frogs began to croak with the rainfall . 蛙随着雨落开始哇哇叫。