- The pulse throbbed steadily. 脉搏跳得平稳。
- He knew the pulse of the nation. 他了解国民的心态。
- He knew the pulse of the people. 他了解人民的意向。
- Her breathing was light and shallow, a little pulse throbbed in her neck. 她的呼吸又轻又浅,脉搏在脖子里微微地簌簌跳动。
- A successful politician is one who keeps his finger on the pulse of the electorate. 一位成功的政治家是一个对选民有深刻了解的人。
- The object that sends the pulse. 发送脉冲的对象。
- Peace has no drums and trumpets to stir the pulse. 和平没有鼓动人们情绪的鼓号。英汉大词典
- His leg throbbed steadily now and the pangs of thirst were severe. But those things paled beside the physical exhaustion that gripped his entire body. 小腿也在隐隐作痛,而干渴更是令他倍感难受。他觉得自己身体已到极限。
- What are the manifestations of the pulse? 什么是脉象?
- Grasp the pulse of investment shops. 第六句把握商铺投资脉搏.
- In such cases, the pulse oximeter shows anoxia. 但有些人的室间隔上却有一个小孔。
- They can feel the pulse of the society. 人们可感觉到社会的脉搏。
- Literature should beat with the pulse of the times. 文学应与时代共脉息。
- The nurse felt the pulse in his wrist. 护士在他的手腕上号脉。
- The pulse is almost imperceptible. 脉搏几乎摸不清。
- It is equipped with the pulse dusting device. 配有脉冲除尘装置。
- Why the pulse can diagnose diseases? 中医把脉为何能辨病?
- Why the pulse diagnosis only uses three fingers? 中医诊脉为何用三指?
- So the new generation of explorationists must throb with the pulse of our times, and constantly bring forthnew ideas in management and technology. 新一代勘探家必须紧扣时代的脉搏,在管理创新和技术创新上有新的突破。