- In the public sphere, it is usually technology, rather than nosy parents, that attracts complaints. 在公共场合,遭到抱怨的已不是多事的父母而是各种技术手段。
- Peter Marden,2003,The decline of politics:governance,globalization and the public sphere,Ashgate. 俞可平主编.;全球化:全球治理[M]
- Peter Marden, 2003, The decline of politics: governance, globalization and the public sphere, Ashgate. 俞可平主编.;全球化:全球治理[M]
- A: By "the public sphere" we mean first of all a realm of our social life in which something approaches public opinion can be formed. 我们使用“公共领域”这一概念,首先指的是我们社会生活中趋向于逐步形成公共舆论的那个领域。
- By "the public sphere" we mean first of all a realm of our social life in which something approaches public opinion can be formed. 我们首先将“公众范围”预定为我们社会生活的所有领域,这样,一些接近公众舆论的东西就可以被界定了。
- From the journalism of private men of letters to the public consumer service of the mass media: The public sphere as a platform for advertising. 英文本明确地强调了从私人写作的新闻业到大众传媒的公共消费服务这样一种公共领域的市场化运作转型。
- Now that there is new technology, the nature of the public sphere is changing and their position of power is undermined. 现在既然有新的技术,公共领域的性质正在发生变化,并且他们的权力地位受到破坏。
- Through uncoercive rearrangement of the desires, the subaltern is likely to enter the public sphere and get room for upward mobility. 认为属下教育就是要对属下的欲望进行重组,目的在于让他们进入公共空间,实现社会流动。
- The main intention of Habermas' theory of the public sphere is to reconstruct the normative ideal of democracy through investigating the bourgeois public sphere. 摘要哈贝马斯构建公共领域学说的主旨是通过对资产阶级公共领域的研究,重建规范的民主理想。
- When those controlling speech don't allow truth to enter the public sphere, truth then becomes demonized, and will of the people will stand opposite the truth. 当控制着话语权的人不让真相流入民间的时候,真相就会被塑造成为恶魔,民意都会站在真相的对立面。
- In the end, it tries to reveal the relationship between the government of the Republic of China and RCSC, which is the important component of the public sphere. 最后探讨了中国红十字会作为社会公共领域的重要组成部分与政府之间的关系。
- Not only is there need to expand the resource-base for the disabled and improve their access to these resources, but their issues need to be in the public sphere. 这里不仅需要扩展残障人士的资源基地以及改善他们对这些资源的可及性,同时还需要让他们的问题进入到公众生活。
- Don't give away to the public when we will start. 不要向公众泄露我们出发的日期。
- He did it in full view of the public. 他在众目睽睽之下做了那件事。
- The public scandal left a black mark on his career. 这一尽人皆知的丑闻给他的事业留下了污点。
- Concentrating on the existent way of modern people, Arendt’s reflection of the public sphere issue constantly ran through the retrospects of conditions and possibilities of human beings. 阿伦特对公共领域问题的反思,以人的现代性存在方式为核心,并始终贯穿着对于人的条件、人的可能性的追思。
- By examining the growth in individual rights, the public sphere, democratic processes, and pluralization in the People's Republic of China since 1949, Ogden seeks to answer these difficult questions. 通过考察自1949年中华人民共和国成立以来中国在个人权利、公共领域、民主过程以及多元化方面的发展,作者试图回答上述困难的问题。
- New media studies also seeks to map the potential trajectories of new media systems, and analyse their relationship(s) with democracy and the Habermasian notion of the public sphere. 新媒体研究同时试图为新媒体体系寻找新的研究领域,分析新媒体与民主和哈贝马斯的全球化理论的关系。
- Children are playing in the public square. 孩子们在公共广场上游戏。
- The area has been fenced from the public. 该地区为防止民众进出而围起来。