- Not getting the promotion was a real downer. 未得到提升真让人很沮丧。
- The promotion was a success. 这次促销活动是成功的。
- If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. 如果大家都尽责,这个项目肯定会成功。
- There was a jump in sales after the promotion was launched. 开展促销活动以后,销售额猛增。
- The way they told her that the new guy got the promotion was a real put down. 他们告诉她新来的家伙得到提升的那副样子是要让她难堪。
- He wanted to be a success so badly that he sold out when the chance came along. 他非常渴望有新成就,以致时机一到,他就背弃了自己。
- Taken overall, the project was a success. 总的看来,这个项目是成功的。
- She was a success as an actress. 她是位成功的女演员。
- By and large, the play was a success. 总地说来,演出是成功的
- The business would be a success, whoever owned it. 不论什么人经营,这生意都会成功。
- His appreciation of her chances of getting the promotion was correct. 他对她晋升机会所作的估计是对的。
- The negotiation is going to be a success! 洽谈就要成功了!
- Her promotion was a fix, I'm sure! 我肯定她的提升有内幕!
- Getting a promotion was a feather in my cap. 得到晋升是我最值得骄傲的事情。
- I am sorry to say that the experiment has not been a success. 很遗憾,实验失败了。
- He expected that the experiment would be a success. 他料想那实验一定会成功。
- I'm not sure if our book will be a success it's early days yet. 我们这本书是否受欢迎,我没有把握--现在言之过早。
- Zhejiang Guangsha in 2006 through the promotion was to assess the CBA league. 2006年浙江广厦通过评估晋级当年的CBA联赛。
- If you want to be a success in business you must be aggressive. 如果你想在事业上成功,你必须有闯劲。
- Your hopes of promotion are a mere delusion. 你提升的希望只不过是一种幻想.