- The performance fell flat. 演出失败了。
- The performance fell far short of our expectations. 演出远远没有达到我们预期的水平。
- The poor performance fell flat. 蹩脚的表演彻底失败了。
- He stumbled over a stump and fell flat on his face. 他给树桩一绊,摔了个嘴啃泥。
- The performance truly exalted the audience. 演出确使观众情绪高昂。
- The party will fall flat without her. 要没有她,我们这晚宴还有什么乐趣。
- We like to see the performance of dolphins. 我们喜欢看海豚的表演。
- I like watching the performance of that magician. 我喜欢看那个魔术师的表演。
- After a long delay the performance finally started. 演出拖延很久,最後总算开始了。
- She fell flat on her face as she got out of the car. 她一下车便直挺挺地脸朝下倒了下去。
- The performance went off well[badly]. 演出很成功[很糟糕]。
- He had not gone many steps before he stumbled on the uneven ground and fell flat on his face. 他在那高低不平的地面上才走了几步,就被绊了一下,直挺挺地跌趴在地上。
- There will be two intervals during the performance. 演出期间将有两次休息。
- The performance is drawing to an end. 演出接近尾声。
- The drunkard staggered and fell flat on the street. 那酒鬼摇摇晃晃地倒在街上。
- The performance was simply out of this world. 那演出简直再好没有了。
- She stood watching the performance from the wings. 她站在舞台上的侧面观看演出。
- His jokes fell flat: nobody laughed at them. 他的笑话没奏效,没有人听了发笑。
- The performance returned $2,000 over expenses. 这场演出除去开支赢余二千元。