- The performance dragged on. 表演缓慢而单调地进行着。
- The performance dragged on . 表演缓慢而单调地进行着。
- The meeting dragged on for nearly four hours. 会议单调乏味地持续了近4个小时。
- He dragged on the cigarettes as he wrote. 他一边写一边抽烟。
- Objects that require finalization put a performance drag on the Garbage Collector. 要求有终结过程的对象在性能上对垃圾收集器产生了拖累。
- The dog's leash dragged on the sidewalk. 在人行道上拴着皮带的狗
- The performance dragged. 演出缓慢沉闷地进行着。
- The meeting dragged on without reaching any conclusion. 会开得很长,也没作出什么结论。
- The children will be a drag on me, so I want to go without them. 孩子们会给我添麻烦,所以我不想带他们去。
- The performance truly exalted the audience. 演出确使观众情绪高昂。
- One of the biggest advantages of using this method to monitor memory utilization is that it places very little drag on the performance of the application. 使用这个方法监视内存使用的一个最大好处是它对应用程序的性能的影响很小。
- Afternoon dragged on into evening. 下午缓慢地过去而变成黄昏。
- The days dragged on and he was in despair. 日子一天天挨过去,他情绪十分消沉。
- We like to see the performance of dolphins. 我们喜欢看海豚的表演。
- The meeting dragged on for more than two hours . 那个会议单调无味地开了二三个小时。
- I like watching the performance of that magician. 我喜欢看那个魔术师的表演。
- After a long delay the performance finally started. 演出拖延很久,最後总算开始了。
- How much longer is this going to drag on? 这事还要拖多久?
- The performance went off well[badly]. 演出很成功[很糟糕]。
- The speeches dragged on for hours. 讲话没完没了地拖了好几个钟头。