- The patriarch of Alexandria. 亚历山大的总教主
- The Coptic patriarch of Alexandria. 科普特亚历山大总教主
- Greek patriarch of alexandria and leading defender of Christian orthodoxy against arianism. 达修亚历山大时期的希腊主教,是基督教正统教派反对阿里乌斯教义的主要保卫者。
- The patriarch of the herd. 群众里年高德劭的人
- The royal palace of Alexandria is a nest of vipers? 亚历山大的皇宫是个毒蛇窝。
- When the patriarch of the north section had left, there were members of the south section left. 送走了北校区的元老们后,剩下的就是南校区的会员们了。
- He left the first stop is to visit the patriarch of the family, the request pointing. 他动身的第一站,是去拜访本族的族长,请求指点。
- Italian monk who as founder of the Benedictine order (c. 529) is considered the patriarch of Western monasticism. 努尔西亚的本笃:创立本笃会(于公元529年)的意大利修士,是西方修道院制度的元祖
- Oh what the hell, with Ray Milland at his curmudgeonly best as the patriarch of this oddball Southern family, it still qualifies as swamp noir. 噢什么地狱,与雷米兰德他curmudgeonly最好的主教这个古怪南部的家庭,但它仍然有资格作为沼泽黑色。
- When Attila seemed disposed to march on Rome, the Patriarch of Rome intercepted him and did what no armies could do, tuming him back by sheer moral force. 当阿提拉似乎准备向罗马进军时,罗马教皇拦住他,做了任何军队做不到的事:用纯粹道德的力量使他回心转意。
- As the patriarch of America's most famous political family, Kennedy's funeral drew many of Washington's elite, including 3 former presidents and their spouses. 作为美国最著名政治家庭中的元老,肯尼迪的葬礼吸引了许多华盛顿精英,包括3位前总统以及他们的夫人。
- As the patriarch of America's most famous political family, Kennedy's funeral drew many of Washington's elite, including three former presidents and their spouses. 作为美国最富盛名的政治世家的元老,肯尼迪的葬礼吸引了许多华盛顿名流,其中有三位前总统和他们的夫人。
- CNN) -- Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy, the patriarch of the first family of Democratic politics, died late Tuesday at his home in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts. He was 77. (美国有线新闻网络)---马萨诸塞州参议员爱德华肯尼迪,民主党第一家族的创始人。于上周二去世于他位于马萨诸塞州海恩尼斯港的家中,享年77岁。
- Who was the old patriarch of this family? 谁是这个家族的族长?
- A mark of independence from the patriarchal family. 女性的行会资格则体现从父系家庭中独立。
- Dr Alwan graduated in Medicine from the University of Alexandria. Alwan博士毕业于亚历山大大学,专业为医学。
- The patriarch paid him a handsome price. 族长给了他一笔可观的数目。
- Library of Alexandria is built on tomb near the shrine on a Muse. 亚历山大图书馆建在亚历山大大帝墓附近的一个缪斯神龛上。
- The ancient library of Alexandria was destroyed during Cleopatra's reign. 古亚历山大图书馆在克利奥帕特拉统治期间被毁坏了。