- He saw the parade passing down the street. 他看到游行队伍通过街道。
- The parade passed along slowly. 游行队伍慢慢地向前行进。
- The parade passed. 游行队伍走过去了。
- The floats in the parade are decked out with flags. 游行队伍中的彩车用旗帜装饰起来。
- It is hard to tell who is who in the parade. 在游行队伍中很难分清谁是谁。
- People wore historical costumes for the parade. 人们穿著古装参加游行。
- He crane his neck to get a glimpse of the parade. 他伸长脖子看了看游行的队伍。
- The children flew out to see the parade. 孩子们奔出去看游行队伍。
- The young man walked at the head of the parade. 那年轻人走在游行队伍最前面。
- The military band led the parade. 军乐队走在游行队伍的前面。
- John carried our school banner in the parade. 约翰在游行时举著我们的校旗。
- The whole village turned out to watch the parade. 全村的人都出来观看游行。
- Some boys tailed after the parade. 有些孩子尾随在游行队伍之后。
- There were many well wishers who were excited to celebrate the expedition teams outstanding achievement. In the photo below the parade passes Dubar Square in downtown Katmandu, Nepal. 有许多好祝福句及兴奋庆祝远征队杰出的成就。在照片下方的游行通行证杜巴尔广场市中心尼泊尔加德满都。
- The men filed onto the parade ground and past the general. 士兵们排成单行进入阅兵场自将军面前走过。
- I don't know how many people joined the parade. 我不知道有多少人叁加该游行。
- He craned his neck to get a glimpse of the parade. 他伸长脖子看了看游行的队伍。
- The general inspected the parade. 将军检阅了阅兵式。
- FEW years ago, a Gay Pride parade passed The Simpsons' house in Springfield. 几年前,同性恋游行途经春田市的辛普森家。游行队伍当时高喊:“我们在游行!
- The parade dragged by endlessly. 游行队伍没完没了地缓慢前进。