- The paint was peeling off the wall in places. 墙上有几处油漆剥落了。
- The paint was peeling off the walls. 墙上油漆在剥落。
- The paint was peeling off. 油漆正在脱落。
- The paint was peeling from the woodwork. 屋里的木头门窗等部分的油漆开始剥落。
- It was a most ramshackle rickshaw. The paint was peeling off, so that the grain of the wooden shafts showed through. The broken lamp rattled in the wind, and the spokes of the hood had been tied on with twine. 一辆极破的车,车板上的漆已经裂了口,车把上已经磨得露出木纹,一只唏哩哗啷响的破灯,车棚子的支棍儿用麻绳儿捆着。
- As in the downstairs lobby, what was left of the paint was peeling. 同楼下大厅一样,斑驳的墙上漆在脱落。
- The paint is peeling off the wall. 油漆从墙上剥落下来。
- The paint was peeling. 油漆正在脱落。
- The paint was flaking off the walls. 油漆从墙上剥落下来。
- The room was damp and the paper was peeling off. 屋子很潮湿,壁纸都一片片剥落了。
- The paint in my house is peeling off. 我屋子里的画剥落了。
- The paint is starting to peel off. 油漆开始起皮剥落了。
- The damage to the painting was the work of vandal. 毁坏这幅画的事是恣意破坏公物的人干的。
- The wall-paper seems to be peeling off. 墙纸看来要剥落了。
- The painting was sold at a profit. 这幅图画可获利销售。
- The walls were in a dreadful condition -- their yellow plaster was peeling off. 墙已经破烂不堪--上面的灰泥都在剥落。
- The paint was daubed on the wall. 那颜料被涂在墙上。
- The paint on their house is peeling off in several places. 他们的房子有几处油漆脱落了。
- The painting was ascribed to an unknown artist. 那幅画被认定系一不出名的画家所作。
- To her expert eye, the painting was terrible. 她以内行的眼光看,这幅画糟透了。