- Jehovah preserves the sojourners; He upholds the orphan and the widow; But He subverts the way of the wicked. 9耶和华保护寄居的,扶持孤儿和寡妇,却使恶人的道路弯曲。
- He affiliated the orphan and sent him to school. 他收养了这个孤儿,并将他送到了学校。
- Be good to your parents and relatives, the orphan and the needy and the neighbors who are strangers, and the friends by your side. 不仅要对你的父母、亲戚要友善,对于孤儿、贫困的人、邻居等陌生人和经过的朋友也一视同仁。
- In order to execute justice for the orphan and the oppressed one, That the mortal man of the earth may terrorize no longer. 18为要给孤儿和受欺压的人伸冤,使地上的人不再威吓他们。
- Last but not the least,commiserate the orphan and the poor.In the world,there are people of wealth,authority and high social status. 四、要矜恤孤贫:世界上有很多有钱、有势、有地位的人,我们不必锦上添花;
- He put the dog in a cage and the animal ran round and round in it all day. 他把狗关在笼子里,狗呆在里面整天转来转去。
- The dog bit the cat and the cat bit back. 狗咬了猫,猫回咬了一口。
- Please put out the cat and the dog. 请把猫和狗赶出去。
- Would you cast lots for the orphan and bargain over your friend? 你们只想对孤儿掷骰下注,以你们的朋友作商品。
- The dogs lost the scent and the prisoner escaped. 警犬失去了臭迹,囚犯因而得以逃脱。
- I opened the door and the dog ran in. 我一打开门狗就跑进来了。
- He brought up the orphan and passed onto him his knowledge of medicine. 他把一个孤儿养大,并且把自己的医术传给了他。
- The dog barked and the hens squawked in terror. 狗吠了,鸡也吓得嘎嘎地叫了起来。
- To have commiseration on the orphan and the widow 矜怜孤寡
- The boy was afraid and the dog had sensed this. 男孩害怕了,狗已经察觉到这一点。
- 4.Commiserate the orphan and the poor. 四、要矜恤孤贫。
- The dog and the donkey danced around the garden. 狗和驴子绕着花园跳舞。
- The monkey and the dog performed several tricks. 猴子和狗耍了几出把戏。
- He whistled,and the dog came obediently. 他一吹口哨;那狗就乖乖地来了.
- The orphan and the dog 孤儿义犬