- In order to solve the problem of shortage,academic credentials is low,the new superseding the old,sub... 要建设高素质的师资队伍必须解放思想,深化用人和分配制度改革,加大引进力度,优化小环境,完善教师流动管理制度。
- The old must give place to the new. 老的必须让位于新的。
- Many excellent young athletes are emerging in China. The new are indeed superseding the old! 中国涌现出了很多优秀的青年运动员,真是长江后浪推前浪呀!
- Many excellent young athletes are emerging in China. The new are indeed superseding the old! 中国涌现出了很多优秀的青年运动员,真是长江后浪推前浪呀!
- She says the new shop is every bit as good as the old one. 她说这个新店和那个老店一模一样。
- The new house is in all respects better than the old one. 无论从哪一点来看,新屋比老屋好。
- The new plan is quite different from the old. 这个新方案与旧的大不相同。
- The new furniture has transfigured the old house. 新家具让旧房改观。
- Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new. 每一代都嘲笑往昔的时髦玩意儿,可又维恭维敬地追随新时髦。
- The new pens are no better than the old ones. 这些新钢笔同那些旧的没什么两样。
- The old car has no comparability with the new one. 这辆旧车不可与新车比较。
- The new plan incorporated the old one . 这个新计划包括了那个旧的。
- The new machine is more efficient than the old one. 这台新机器比那台旧的效率高。
- Look back to the old,if you would learn the new. 温故而知新。
- The new tax is fairer than the old system. 新税制比旧税制公正。
- Weed through the old to bring forth the new. 推陈出新。
- The old chap's been like a dog with two tails since he got the news. 这个老家伙听到这个消息后一直高兴得什么似的。
- The new and progressive always wins over the old. 新生、进步的事物总是要战胜旧的东西。
- The new road is four times as wide as the old one. 这条新公路是旧路的四倍宽。
- Ring out the old Ring in the new. 响出辞旧迎新的钟声。