- The mother abandoned her child. 那母亲遗弃她的孩子
- The mother gave her child over to the kindergarten during the day. 母亲在白天把她的孩子交托给幼儿园。
- The judge said that nothing could mitigate the cruelty with which the mother had treated her child. 法官说没有任何理由可以把那个母亲残忍虐待孩子的罪责减轻。
- The mother rewarded her child with money. 母亲给孩子钱作为奖赏。
- The mother chafed her child's cold hands. 母亲搓着孩子冰冷的双手。
- The mother gave in and bought a toy for her child. 拗不过孩子的要求,母亲买了玩具给他。
- The mother is companing her child to study. 夏夜里陪孩子读书的母亲。
- The mother left her child playing on her own. 母亲让孩子一个人去玩。
- The mother belabored her child relentlessly. 那母亲无情地抽打她的孩子。
- The mother talked soothingly to her child. 母亲对自己的孩子安慰地说。
- The mother was frantic with grief at the loss of her child. 母亲因失去孩子悲痛欲绝。
- As the sky was lowering, the mother asked her child to come home. 当天空逐渐阴沈时,这位母亲叫她的孩子回家。
- And in the meantime, what had become of that mother who according to the people at Montfermeil, seemed to have abandoned her child? Where was she? What was she doing? 同时,按照孟费郿人的看法,那位母亲似乎抛弃了她的孩子,这位母亲成什么样了?她在什么地方?干什么事呢?
- The mother took her child by the hand. 母亲拉着孩子的手。
- The mother was weeping for the death of her child. 那位母亲正在为孩子之死而悲伤哭泣。
- The mother deserted her children. 这个母亲把她的孩子遗弃了。
- The mother flared up at her children. 母亲对她的孩子们勃然大怒。
- Eben if the mother is still poorer, the son will not abandon her to find another. 母亲再穷,儿子也不会抛弃她去另找一个。
- The mother abandoned attending the match and instead watched it on a giant screen installed at a public area,said the newspaper. 报道说,最后这位母亲只得放弃到现场看球的机会,改为在一个设在公共地带的大屏幕上观看比赛。
- The mother chafed her child 's cold hands. 母亲搓着孩子冰冷的双手。