- The meeting was very dull. 会议开得冷冷清清。
- The meeting was very productive. 那会议成果很丰硕。
- The whole tenor of the meeting was very positive. 会议的整体氛围很积极。
- The meeting was very dull.; The meeting went on dull and dry. 会议开得冷冷清清。
- The meeting was very boring and everyone yawned. 会议很无聊,人人都在打呵欠。
- The party was very dull until Smith jazzed it up with his drums. 舞会开始很沉闷,直到史密斯表演击鼓后气氛才活跃起来。
- The meeting was very long, but finally we got to a conclusion. 会议非常漫长,但我们终于得出了个结论。
- The meeting was badly organized. 会议组织得很糟。
- By the time we arrived the meeting was over. 我们到达时,会议已结束了。
- The meeting was adjourned without day. 会议无限期地延期了。
- The meeting was held over until Friday. 会议推迟到星期五才举行。
- There was only one absentee because everybody knew the meeting was very important. 只有一个人缺席,因为大家都知道这个会议非常重要。
- The meeting was one big yawn from start to finish. 那会议自始至终十分无聊。
- The meeting was arranged with the utmost secrecy. 会议绝对保密。
- It would be very dull to be married to Denis. 和丹尼斯结婚太乏味了。
- The meeting was in full swing when we arrived. 我们到那里时,会议正开得热闹。
- I found that lecture was very dull. 我发现那个讲座真是无聊透顶。
- The meeting was verging to a close. 会议接近结束。
- The meeting was held behind the scenes. 会议是秘密召开的。
- The lecture turned out to be very dull. 讲座结果很无聊。