- The match gave a last flare. 火柴发出最后的亮光。
- The match gave a flare. 火柴发出闪光。
- Our team gave a splendid account of themselves to win the match. 我们队表现出色,赢了那场比赛。
- She gave a vivid description of the match. 她对那场比赛做了生动的描述。
- Everyone is forced to give a last roar. 每个人被迫着发出最后的吼声。
- They gave away their last chance of winning the match. 他们坐失赢得比赛的最後机会。
- It gave a last great howl and lay inert, smoking and molten. 大猫发出了最后一声号叫,终于不再动弹,冒烟并且熔毁。
- Losing the match made quite a dent in his ego. 比赛失败对他的自尊心打击极大。
- John came through the match with a whole skin. 约翰打完了全场比赛,一点皮也没伤着。
- He won the match but it was a very near thing! 他赢了这场比赛,可也真是险胜啦!
- Our team give a splendid account of themselves to win the match. 我们队表现出色,赢了那场比赛。
- The match to Redcoats was a walk-over for us. 对我们来说,同红衣队的比赛赢得轻轻松松。
- The match was snowed off last Sunday. 上星期天的比赛因下雪取消了。
- The Supreme Court gave a fair trial to the case. 最高法院对这一案件作出了公正的审判。
- David give a poor account of himself in the boxing match. 大卫在这次拳击比赛中表现不佳。
- He met a powerful opponent in the match. 比赛中,他遇到了强劲的对手。
- Summarize the match: hold the summarization convention, and award the excellent productions, at last club presider and ministers give a summarization about the activity. 5大赛总结:召开比赛总结大会,对活动评比出来的优秀作品进行颁奖,并由俱乐部主席、部长等对此次活动做出总结。
- The fact gave a last touch of distinction to what was generally conceded to be the most brilliant wedding of the year. 这个做法将为那一年中公认的最显赫的婚礼添上最后一道光彩。
- He gave a quick answer to the teacher's question. 他对老师的提问作出了迅速的回答。
- England will lose the match that's a certainty! 这场比赛英格兰要输--这是肯定的!