- The loss was shared pro rata. 损失按比例分摊。
- The loss is shared pro rata. 损失按比例分摊。
- 2. The loss is shared pro rata . 损失按比例分摊。
- The loss was shared prorata. 损失按比例分摊。
- The loss was a tragedy for all concerned. 那损失对一切有关的人来说都是极为痛心的。
- The loss was caused by Prague angle unmatching . 这个损耗比较大,可能是由于声光调Q器件的布拉格角调整的不准确造成。
- The loss was due to human error. 这次任务的失败是认为的错误导致。
- Soon after the loss was discovered a warrant was sworn out for the embezzler's arrest. 一发现亏损,就立即提出指控而获得了逮捕令逮捕那用公款的人。
- How should profit and loss be shared between the parties to a joint venture? 合资企业各方如何分享利润、分担亏损?
- I think the loss ought to be shared by both parties - let us say half and half. 我认为损失应由双方承担,我们就各负担一半吧。
- For him the loss was only a drop in the ocean. 这点损失对他来说,只不过是九牛一毛。
- The size of the loss was beyond all of our expectations. 损失的数目超出了我们所有人的预料。
- If production costs go up, there will be a pro rata increase in prices/prices will increase pro rata. 若生产成本增加,则价格也要相应提高。
- The expense involved will be shared among us. 所花费用将由我们共同负担。
- The losses are computed at $ 1000. 估计损失1000美元。
- The losses are computed at $1000. 估计损失1000美元。
- Here the losses are justified by the gains. 这又是一种有所失对有所得而有意义的场合。
- If costs go up, there will be a pro rata increase in prices. 如果成本增加,价格就会相应上涨。
- If the Company cancels, earned premiums shall be computed pro rata. 如果公司取消本保单,满期保费应按比例计算。
- The loss was a tragedy for all concerned, ie all those affected by it. 那损失对一切有关的人来说都是极为痛心的.