- The lock is broken; you'll have to break the case open. 锁坏了,你只好砸开箱子。
- The lock is broken. 这个锁坏了。
- T The lock is with respect to a sequential scan. T该锁是针对有序扫描的。
- The lock is rather stubborn; it needs oiling. 锁很难打开,需要加油了。
- Molding the lock is another option. 造锁是另一种选择。
- For a car of this size the lock is excellent. 对于这种大小的车子来说, 这刹车要算很好了。
- The lock on the front door is broken, the key won't turn. 前门的锁坏了,钥匙转不动。
- The window was smashed and the lock on the front door is broken. 窗户给砸了,前门的锁也被弄坏了。
- The lock is used for locking the door. 锁用来锁门。
- The table on which the lock is held. 控制锁的表。
- The lock is with respect to a particular index. 锁针对具体某个索引。
- The lock is with respect to all scans. 锁针对所有扫描。
- Use another one because the lock is out of order. 请用另外一间,这间的锁坏了。
- Therefore, the lock is not created initially. 因此,锁没有从一开始就创建。
- The lock is rusty,so we have to smash the door open. 锁生锈了,我们得把门砸开。
- The identification number of the index on which the lock is held. 持有锁的索引的索引标识号。
- The identification number of the object on which the lock is held. 持有锁的对象的标识号。
- The bladder of the football is broken. 这颗足球的球胆破了。
- The wall plug is broken, isn't it? 墙上的插座坏了,不是吗?
- The washer for preventing leakage is broken. 那个防漏的垫圈坏了。