- The lake was alive with fish. 湖里满是游来游去的鱼。
- The lake was crusted over with ice. 河面上结了一层冰。
- The lake was dotted with little boats. 湖面上布满了小船。
- The brook was alive with various kinds of fish. (小溪中有各式各样的鱼。
- The pool was alive with goldfish. 池塘里满是游来游去的金鱼。
- At the party, his house was alive with joy. 聚会时,他家里充满了欢乐气氛。
- The lake was encircled by trees. 该湖泊被树林环抱。
- The town square was alive with people. 市区广场挤满了人。
- The lake was frozen over until late spring. 那湖全让冰封住了,到晚春才解冻。
- The city council have suggested stocking the lake with fish to provide food and fun for the citizens. 市议会已提议在湖中养鱼,以给市民提供食用鱼及供他们观赏。
- The pond was alive with fish. 满池塘是鱼。
- The lake was ponded by lavas a long time ago. 这条湖是很久以前熔岩堵塞河道形成的。
- The lake was covered with a sheet of ice. 湖面上覆盖着一层冰。
- The lake was shrinking with the heat. 湖泊与热萎缩。
- At the party,his house was alive with joy. 聚会时,他家里充满了欢乐气氛。
- This lake is alive with fish. 这个湖里充满了鱼。
- The woods are alive with birds . 树林中到处是鸟。
- Edward was alive with happiness. 爱德华高兴得眉飞色舞。
- Over the lake was a blue sky with fluffy clouds. 湖泊的上空是点缀着朵朵白云的蓝天。
- The beggar's hair was alive with lice. 那个乞丐的头发满满的都是蝨子。