- The lion is the king of the jungle. 狮子是丛林之王。
- He can reel off the date of the king of england. 他能流畅地说出所有英国国王的生卒年份。
- Accuser: He calls himself the King of the Jews! 原告:他称自己为犹太人的王!
- He was the ambassador of the king of Portugal. 他是葡萄牙国王的使臣。
- The albatross is the king of the gliders. 信天翁是滑翔鸟类之王。
- You are indeed the king of the impulse buy. 你确实爱冲动买东西,这点真是无人能及。
- An owl is the king of the night. 猫头鹰是黑夜之王。
- I saw the beast and the kings of the earth. 我看见那兽和地上的君王。
- You can also get a glimpse of the King of All Teas. 还可以一睹茶中之王的风采。
- Alan: I am the king of the beach! 艾伦兄:我是海滩之王!
- The kings of the two countries signed the document. 两国国王在盟书上签了字。
- The king of the oilfield is the driller. 油田的主角是钻井工。
- The new road was hacked out of the jungle. 这条新路是在丛林地带开辟出来的。
- Yeah! King of the Jungle! Big deal! This porcupine has to walk through a pride of adult lions. 耶!丛林之王!了不起!这只豪猪必须穿过一群成年狮子。
- The king of the Babylon led captive many of the Jews. 巴比伦王俘虏过许多犹太人。
- King of the Jungle - The Bear effect is now physical, and thus cannot be dispelled. 从林之王:这个效果变为物理效果了,不再会被驱散。
- And the king of these stories is the story of the werewolf. 而最重头的故事是狼人的故事。
- The king of the island caught Gulliver and kept him as a pet. 这个岛的国王抓住了格利佛,把他当宠物一般来饲养。
- The lion is called the king of beasts. 狮子号称百兽之王。
- The eldest son of the king of France from1349 to1830. 王太子从1349到1830期间法国国王的长子