- After Gou Jian returned to his homeland, he made a firm resolve to revenge his defeat at the hands of the King of Wu. 勾践回国后,发奋图强,伺机报仇。
- He can reel off the date of the king of england. 他能流畅地说出所有英国国王的生卒年份。
- Wan'Hua'Chi or the Pond for Enjoying Flowers is located right by the side of the King of Wu's Well. 玩花池,在“吴王井”畔。
- In the Spring and Autumn Period (722-481 B.C) in Chinese history, Fu Chai the king of the State of Wu had his father He Lu buried here. 春秋时期,吴王夫差将他的父亲阖闾葬在这里。
- For the amusement and recreation of Xi Shi, the King of Wu had a palace built on Lingyan which was named Guan'Wa'Gong or the Palace of Beauties. 吴王命人在灵岩山建造“馆娃宫”,供西施游憩。
- The lion is called the king of beasts. 狮子号称百兽之王。
- The political chaos that ensued would enable the King of Yue to invade the state of Wu, recompensing him for his former humiliation. “闭月”,是述说貂婵拜月的故事。“羞花”,说的是杨贵妃观花时的故事。“沉鱼”,讲的是西施浣沙时的故事。“落雁”,就是昭君出塞的故事。
- Juno begged it as a gift. What could the king of gods and men do? 朱诺请求朱庇特把牛送给她做礼物,众神和人类之王有什么办法可想呢?
- While cruel and ruthless by nature, the King of Wu did have a sincere and lasting love for Xi Shi, unaware until his death that the latter was a strange bedfellow who was all the time cherishing some sinister designs. 吴王为人凶残,唯对西施情意绵绵,大概至死也没有觉察西施与他同床异梦。
- In 494 B.C. the King of Wu, Fu Chai by name, succeeded in conquering the State of Yue whose king Gou Jian, along with his wife, was forced to come to Wu as a captive and work as a slave of his conqueror. 公元前494年,吴王夫差一举打败越国,越王勾践出于无奈,夫妇双双入吴,作为人质,当了吴王的奴仆。
- Twenty years after Gou Jian returned to the Kingdom of Yue, he had his revenge on the King of Wu in the year 473 B.C. by inflicting on the latter a crushing defeat, with the help of such people as Wen Zhong, Fan Li and Xi Shi. 勾践回国20年,即公元前473年,在文种、范蠡、西施等人的共同努力下,终于打败夫差,报了辱国之仇。
- The army divested the king of all his power. 陆军剥夺了国王的全部权力。
- Thus yielding among brothers was a family tradition, and he was willing to emulate this virtue of his ancestors.That's why he wanted to die sooner so that Jizha could become the King of Wu earlier. 兄弟礼让,既是家风,他也愿效法先人美德,所以希望自己快点死,好让季札有机会早点成为吴王。
- They divested the King of his robes of state. 他们把国王的朝服脱下来。
- All the king of smaller countries do honor to him. 小国家的国王都向他致敬。
- I believe skiing is the king of winter sports. 我认为滑雪是冬季运动之王。
- Accuser: He calls himself the King of the Jews! 原告:他称自己为犹太人的王!
- He was the ambassador of the king of Portugal. 他是葡萄牙国王的使臣。
- Barolo is the king of Italian red wines. 巴罗洛是意大利红葡萄酒之王.
- The albatross is the king of the gliders. 信天翁是滑翔鸟类之王。