- The import and export tax rate 进出口税率
- Discusses that the adjustment of import and export tax rate brought the coal enterprise some influence,makes a suggestion on coal enterprise to reduces the pr... 论述了进出口税率的调整给煤炭企业带来了一定的影响,提出煤炭企业应采取措施,减少其出口成本压力。
- Discussion on the Influence of the Resources Product Import and Export Tax Rate Adjustment on the Coal Profession 资源性产品进出口税率调整对煤炭行业的影响
- To rectify and regulate the import and export order. 整顿和规范进出口秩序。
- The state exercises uniform administration over the import and export of goods. 第三条国家对货物进出口实行统一的管理制度。
- The imports and exports continue to grow in volume. 进出口量继续增长。
- The State may take import and export credit, export tax refund and other foreign trade promotion measures for the purpose of the development of foreign trade. 第三十四条国家采取进出口信贷、出口退税及其他对外贸易促进措施,发展对外贸易。
- In the import and export business,we often make inquiries at foreign suppliers. 在进出口交易中,我们常向外商询价。
- Import and export commodities shall be classified under appropriate tax item numbers in accordance with the category provisions of the Customs Import and Export Tariff and shall be subject to tax levies pursuant to relevant tax rates. 进出口货物,应当依照《海关进出口税则》规定的归类原则归入合适的税号,并按照适用的税率征税。
- The picture shows the import and export statistics between China and Slovenia. 图为中国-斯洛文尼亚进出口额统计表。
- The current trade deficit indicates a serious imbalance between our import and export trade. 当前的贸易赤字表明我们的进出口贸易严重失调。
- China have revised their import and export customs tariff, mainly related to the MFN rates, tax rates, annual tentative agreement on taxes, taxable items and rates and tariffs. 我国进一步调整了进出口关税税则,主要涉及最惠国率、年度暂定税率、协定税率、特惠税率及税则税目等方面。
- Hong Kong Shum Yip Lijun Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the import and export of duty free commodities. 香港深业丽晶有限公司主要经营免税商品的进出口业务。
- The import and export trade was the largest employer in the service sectors,with 507 500 workers in September. 在服务行业中,进出口贸易雇用的人数最多,一九九九年九月时有雇员507500名。
- They are not permitted to engage in the import and export of audio-visual products either. 不得从事音像制品进口业务。
- They planed to narrow the gap between imports and exports. 他们计划缩小进出口的差额。
- Influenced by the rise of export tax rate and the adjustment of wood export policies in Russia, the wood import structure greatly changed in Erenhot city, Inner Mongolia province. 由于受到俄罗斯出口税增长和木材出口政策调整的影响,内蒙古二连浩特市的木材进口结构发生了显著的变化。
- Since December, the import and export of optical disc manufacturing equipment have been subject to licence. 自去年十二月起,要进口或出口生产光碟的器材,均须领取牌照。
- The laboratory regularly analyses samples submitted from the Customs and Excise Department for classification under the Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) Regulations. 化验所经常为香港海关进行样品测试,根据《进出口(战略物品)规例》,确定样品的类别。
- The state may administer the import and export of some goods by way of state-run trade. 第四十五条国家可以对部分货物的进出口实行国营贸易管理。