- The hunters were busy trapping. 猎人们正忙于设陷阱。
- THEO (V.O.): The hunters were fast approaching. 猎人闻声就要赶到了。
- The hunters were riding down on horseback. 猎人们正骑着马赶上来。
- Only a part of the hunters were in at the death. 只有一部分猎人在场看见猎狗咬死猎物。
- The hunters were spearing fish in the stream. 猎人正在小河中叉鱼。
- The hunter was mauledby a lion and badly hurt. 猎人被狮子抓伤,伤势很重。
- The hunter was mauled by a lion. 猎人受到了狮子的伤害。
- The hunters were fearless when confronted with wild animals. 这些猎手面对野兽毫不畏惧。
- The hunters were closing in on the struggling wild boar. 猎人们向在挣扎中的野猪靠拢。
- After many days,the hunters were able to track down the dangerous bear. 经过多天跟踪追捕,捕猎者们终于找到了那只危险的大熊。
- The hunters are moving in for the kill. 猎手们正在围杀猎物。
- After many days, the hunters were able to track down the dangerous bear. 经过多天跟踪追捕,捕猎者们终于找到了那只危险的大熊。
- The hunters were camouflaged with branches so that they blended with the trees. 猎人们用树枝把自己伪装起来,从而与树木混为一体。
- In summer, the hunters are allowed to hunt over this land. 夏季,猎户们被允许在这块土地上骑马追猎。
- They were busy dunging the vegetable garden. 他们正忙於给蔬菜园施肥。
- The hunter was mauled by a lion and badly hurt. 猎人被狮子抓伤, 伤势很重。
- The carpenter was busy sawing the logs into planks. 这位木匠正忙着把圆木锯成厚板。
- In summer,the hunters are allowed to hunt over this land. 夏季,猎户们被允许在这块土地上骑马追猎。
- The hunters took a fox by a trap. 猎人们设陷阱捉住一只狐狸。
- CLEO (CONT'D):Oh, and the hunters are fast approaching! 哦!这个通讯员好像被猎人的网给网住了。