- The horse swished its tail (about). 那匹马刷刷地挥动尾巴。
- The horse swished its tail. 马嗖嗖挥动尾巴。
- The horse swithed its tail to drive the flies away. 马甩动尾巴以驱赶苍蝇。
- The horse was flicking flies away with its tail. 马轻轻甩动尾巴把苍蝇赶走。
- The horse was whisking its tail. 马甩尾巴。
- The horse stood whisking its tail. 那匹马站着挥动尾巴。
- The horse whisked its tail angrily. 那匹马发着怒甩动的尾巴。
- The horse whisk ed its tail angrily. 那匹马发着怒甩动的尾巴.
- The horse moved off, flicking its tail. 马甩着尾巴走开了。
- The horse was whisking its tail to brush the flies off its back. 马拂动着尾巴,驱赶背上的苍蝇。
- The horse switched its tail to drive off the flies . 马甩尾赶苍蝇。
- The horse kept swinging its tail to drive away the flies. 这匹马不停地甩尾巴以驱赶苍蝇。
- The pony swished its tail. 小马唰唰地甩着尾巴。
- The horse brushed off the flies with a whisk of its tail. 这匹马用尾巴一挥,赶走了苍蝇。
- When the thief pulls its tail, the horse will neigh. 当小偷拉马的尾巴时,这匹马就会嘶叫。”
- Four men pulled its tail, but the thief did not pull it for he was afraid that the horse would neigh. 有四个人拉了它的尾巴,那个贼没有拉它的尾巴,因为他害怕那匹马会嘶叫。
- The horse kicked its fallen rider about the head. 那匹马乱踢从它背上掉下来的骑手的头部。
- The dog wagged its tail excitedly. 那条狗兴奋地直摇尾巴。
- The dog wags its tail in expectation of a bone. 那条狗摇著尾巴,巴望吃肉骨头。
- The horse perked up its head when I shouted. 我吆喝时那马扬起了头。