- The hop and hop back 跳步急停
- "He has 34 microseconds at each stop" to slide down the chimney, drop off the presents, nibble on his cookies and milk and hop back on his sleigh, Larsson said. “他在每一站只能有34微秒的时间”滑下烟囱,投下礼物,啃点儿饼干抿点儿牛奶,然后再跳回到他的雪橇上,拉尔森说。
- Next Annie took me by the hand and taught me how to hop and skip. 接着,安妮牵着我的手,教我怎么单足跳、蹦跳。
- Please wait for me; you've caught me on the hop and I must change my clothes before I come with you. 请等等我,你出其不意弄得我措手不及,我必须换好衣服后才能跟你一起去。
- Slip your shoes off and hop up on the bed. 脱掉鞋子,到床上去。
- Are you coming to the hop tonight? 今晚你来跳舞吗?
- I preflight the seat and hop in. 我整理一下飞行座椅然后坐了上去。
- It is possible for such inspirational, emotion shots in the arm the hop us up and give us temporary relief. 这种灵感上和情感上的刺激可能给予我们一副麻醉剂,使我们暂时免除痛苦。
- We would never catch him on the hop. 我们永远不会当场抓到他。
- The house was just a hop and jump from the road. 那房子正好离公路很近。
- You've caught me on the hop, I'm afraid give me five minutes to get ready. 你弄得我措手不及--给我五分钟准备一下吧。
- Frogs hop and jump by the river. 青蛙在河边跳跃。
- He hopped back up the stairs and took his pistol. 他赶紧返回到楼上,拿上了他的手枪。
- Destination is known as the hop count. 在不同的目的去决定跳数。
- You hip and hop hopelessly for your fortune. 你漫无目的的为这飞来艳福而跳跃。
- Put on my PJ's and hop into bed. 穿好睡衣,跳上床去。
- Our visitors arrived early, and caught us on the hop. 客人提早到达,令我们措手不及。
- A site dedicated to free Trip Hop and Jungle WAV samples. 一个位置献出释放旅行跃程和丛林WAV样本。
- He kept me on the hop for two weeks,and I can't wait any longer. 他让我在等待中度过了2周了,我再也等不下去了。
- Our visitors arrived early,and caught us on the hop. 客人提早到达,令我们措手不及。