- They decided to call a halt to the match when they found the ground was waterlogged. 他们发现场地上全是水时,决定停止比赛。
- The ground was covered with ferns. 地面上长满了羊齿植物。
- The ground was waterlogged. 地面给水浸透了。
- The ground was ploughed and planted with corn. 地翻耕后种上了玉米。
- The ground was stained by running the foil. 地面已经由于猎物奔回旧路而嗅迹零乱了。
- The ground was pitted by the heavy rain. 大雨使场地变得坑坑洼洼。
- The ground was plowed and planted with corn. 地翻耕后种上了玉米。
- The ground was muddy and uneven, but we toiled on. 地面泥泞不平,我们仍吃力地向前走。
- The ground was littered with chips of wood. 地上到处都是木屑。
- The ground was crawling with ants. 地上满是蚂蚁。
- The ground was lightly powdered with snow. 地上薄薄地铺了一层雪。
- The ground was excavated for a foundation. 地面被挖空作为地基。
- The ground was still wet from last night's storm. 昨夜暴风雨後,地上还是湿的。
- The ground was covered in a pristine layer of snow. 地上覆盖着一层皑皑积雪.
- The grind was muddy and uneven,but we toiled on. 地面泥泞不平,我们仍吃力地向前走。
- The ground was covered by a thick blanket of snow. 地面上覆盖着厚厚的一层雪。
- The ground was packed out when our local team played its League Cup match. 当我们本地的球队争夺联赛杯时,场内座无虚席。
- The ground was still wet from the recent rain. 由于刚才下了雨,地面还是湿湿的。
- The ground was sodden after the rain. 雨后地上都是烂泥。
- The ground was broken for a new hospital. 破土建新的医院。