- The grocer presented his bill. 这杂货商递上他的账单。
- Has the builder presented his bill yet? 营造商把帐单送来了吗?
- The tailor presented his bill to me. 裁缝把帐单递给我。
- The dentist presented his bill for filling my teeth. 牙医寄来了给我补牙的帐单。
- Then it came to him that it was the grocer's bill, and that these were his bills flying around on the drum of the mangle. 见他的发票都在热轧滚筒上飞速地旋转,他产生了一个巧妙的念头:把发票全扔到地板上,便可以逃避计帐。
- Pay the bill and ask the grocer to receipt it. 付帐之后请食品杂货商注明收讫。
- Reluctantly Martin yielded to the claims of the grocer, paying his bill with him in full,receiving in change a pocketful of jingling coin. 他不情愿地满足了杂货商的,还清了他的债,找回了一口袋叮叮当当的硬币。
- He leaves the country without pay his bill. 他在未付帐的情况下离开这个国家。
- The grocer's shelves were overstocked with merchandise. 食品杂货商的架子上商品充斥。
- The grocer sparred with her outside his store. 杂货商在店外和她吵起来了。
- The grocer took back the rancid butter. 杂货店老板拿回了有腐臭油脂味的黄油。
- The baker presented his bill. 面包师呈上帐单。
- The grocer studies to please his customers. 水果店老板考虑着要迎合顾客。
- The grocer studies to please his customers . 水果店老板考虑着要迎合顾客。
- The grocer's has plenty varieties of goods in stock. 杂货商有种类繁多的存货。
- Go down to the grocer's (ie grocer's shop) and get me some sugar. 去杂货店给我买点儿糖来。
- He clearly presented his thesis. 他把自己的论点阐述得很清楚。
- And, after paying his bill, Fix left the tavern. 费克斯付了账就扬长而去。
- The senator laid into the opponents of his bill. 那位参议员猛烈抨击了反对他的提案的人。
- He presented his idea in outline at the meeting. 他在会议上扼要地说明自己的想法。