- The glass was half full. 玻璃杯半满。
- The glass was smashed to smithereens. 玻璃被打得粉碎。
- The glass was full to overflowing. 杯子斟得满满的。
- The glass was full to the brim . 玻璃杯中的液体已满到要溢出来了。
- The drivers' section was half full, a thick haze of tobacco smoke over it. 此时驾驶员区已经半满,空气中弥漫着厚厚的烟气。
- The glass was shogged off the table. 桌上的玻璃板被震落了。
- The glass was broken last night. 玻璃昨天被打破了。
- The glass was full to overflowing, but he drank it down in one gulp. 满满一杯酒,他一饮而尽。
- The skiff was half full of plunder which that gang had stole there on the wreck. 小船上放着那帮家伙从旧船上偷来的赃物,装了满满的半船。
- The glass was shattered to pieces. 玻璃被砸得粉碎。
- The glass was smashed to pieces. 玻璃杯摔得粉碎。
- People tend to see the glass half full more frequently as they age, new research indicates. 新的研究显示:随着年龄增大,人们会更乐观地看待半杯水现象。
- The glass was cracked, but it was otherwise intact. 玻璃裂开了,但是还算完整。
- During the natural calamity, most people were half hungry, half full. 在自然灾害期间,绝大多数人都过着半饥半饱的生活。
- The glass is half full or half empty depending on whether you'e pouring in or out. 积极乐观者:半杯水是半满还是半空,就看你是在倒水入杯还是出杯。
- The glass is half full or half empty depending on whether you're pouring in or out. 半杯水是半满还是半空,主要看你是在倒水入被还是倒水出杯。
- When I came back from answering it the glass was empty. 我接电话回来时,啤酒杯空了。
- The glass is half full or half enpty depending on whether you're pouring in or out. 积极乐观者:半杯水是半杯还是半空,主要看你是在倒水入杯还是出杯。
- The house was half buried under snow. 房子半截被埋在雪里。
- The glass was heated and drawn out into a thin tube. 玻璃加热后拉成了一根细管。